Why should a straight man stand up for LGBT+ causes? For the same reasons that a white man should stand up against racism! [url=https://mastodontech.de/tags/equality]#equality[/url]
About me: Joachim (Tapa) Geb.: 1962
Hobby: Streamen, Musik machen, Gaming, Books
Work: Koch, ab 1987: IT-Vertrieb, Technik, Fieldservice
Likes: gutes Essen, Story based Games, Intelligenz, Empathie, Cats & Dogs
Dislikes: Gefühlskälte, Egozentriker, Rücksichtslosigkeit, Gewalt, Geiz
Toughest Stuff: 3 Jahre Addiction (30 Jahre her), der Tod meiner Frau i.J. 2004.