The KamikaZEN 🇲🇽
Designer, illustrator, web dev, metalhead, runner, aspiring Buddha, cat lover, unpublished writer (working on fixing that) and amateur chef.
Toots in English, castellano, un peu de français, und ein bisschen Schlechtes Deutsch 😉
Avatar: Digital drawing of a Japanese kitsune mask, designed by me.
Header: Cover from Led Zeppelin’s “Houses of the Holy” album.
Keep up the pace, steady in death’s face…
[url=]#Running[/url] [url=]#Illustration[/url] [url=]#Writing[/url] [url=]#Writer[/url] [url=]#Cooking[/url] [url=]#Cats[/url] [url=]#Buddhism[/url] [url=]#HeavyMetal[/url]