We have 361348 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 361348 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert. Sort bySortieren nachNameHandleLocationNewestOldest
Geboren 1970, Unternehmer seit 1990
Seit 2006 helfe ich Betrieben praktisch, damit sie ohne Personalnot führen können.
Interessen über [url=https://social.tchncs.de/tags/HR]#HR[/url] und [url=https://social.tchncs.de/tags/Vereinbarkeit]#Vereinbarkeit[/url] hinaus : [url=https://social.tchncs.de/tags/Leipzig]#Leipzig[/url] [url=https://social.tchncs.de/tags/OpenData]#OpenData[/url] [url=https://social.tchncs.de/tags/NextCloud]#NextCloud[/url] [url=https://social.tchncs.de/tags/RadFahren]#RadFahren[/url] [url=https://social.tchncs.de/tags/WordPress]#WordPress[/url] [url=https://social.tchncs.de/tags/Fediverse]#Fediverse[/url]
Chef bei [url=https://www.fachkraeftesicherer.de/autor/fachkraeftesicherer/]@Fachkraeftesicherer[/url]
‼️ Beiträge, älter als 2 Jahre, werden gelöscht.
Interested in the [url=https://mastodon.online/tags/future]#future[/url] and how we can get there before we break the world.
Have opinions: Willing to share! Please discuss
I like to think about many things, and probably end up living too much in my head ([url=https://mastodon.online/tags/livinginmyhead]#livinginmyhead[/url]).
Originally from [url=https://mastodon.online/tags/Denmark]#Denmark[/url], but now living in the [url=https://mastodon.online/tags/UK]#UK[/url].
For a living I build large scale infrastructure in the [url=https://mastodon.online/tags/cloud]#cloud[/url].
Interested in the #future and how we can get there before we break the world. Have opinions: Willing to share! Please discuss I like to think about many things, and probably end up living too much in my head (#livinginmyhead). Originally from #Denmark, but now living in the #UK. For a living I build large scale infrastructure in the #cloud.
Freiberuflicher technischer Berater, FMEA-Moderator, AGILean Coach aus Lippstadt. Kein Freund von AfD, Trump, & Co., Klimaschwurblern und Verschwörungsmythen.
I love programming, and experimenting with hardware and linux stuff, parts of me are a classic geek 🤓❤.
Currently, I’m working as an Embedded Linux Developer and studying Computer Engineering.
I'm a media artist living in Berlin, Germany.
I often work with math-inspired forms and patterns, so I hope to learn about new things to explore from the mathtodon community.
Realtime animation, projection mapping, sound, music, video and visualisation of complex things are my main passions.
But I'm also a sculptor and designer, photographer, writer and many other things :-)
Media artist, Designer, Sculptor, Creative Coder, Node-Lover, Sounder, Writer.
Living in Berlin.
Stage-Design, Installations, Music Videos, Living Paintings, Zen-Art, no AI, Houdini, Rhino...
TV reporter for 1News in Christchurch, New Zealand. Broadcast Journalist of the Year Finalist at the 2022 Voyager Media Awards.
Email tips confidentially to: Thomas.Mead@tvnz.co.nz
I'm just an ordinary bloke living with my family in Queensland, Australia, with interests ranging from food and health to nature and climate change. I speak English and German, but neither language is my native tongue.
Seit über 25 Jahren selbstständiger Webentwickler und Inhaber der Firma webandmore. Seit dem Kindergarten ambitionierter Hobbyfotograf. Läufer seit 2017. Papa von zwei Kindern.