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Russian artist. I like reading webtoon and comic-like books too.
I still can use auto translate tool given by program but there are a chance for its misinterpretation but i will prefer interactions on English and Russian languages. Feel free to interact with me.
Came here for exploration purposes!
🪧 Protestbeobachter.
🧑💻 Frontend-Developer – für Boulderhallen.
🖤 Fan von OpenSource, TypeScript, Ressourcen-Schoner:innen, Rap und Antifaschist:innen.
🚲 Fahrradliebhaber.
🚐 T5 Ausbauer.
🏠 Mietshäuser-Syndikat.
📍 Gießen.
Kein Gott.
Kein Staat.
Nur der Mönch von #Lützerath.
Interested in #Ghana & #Ecuador. Hablo Español - pero no mucho.
Former Software Engineer/SRE at VMware. Currently at Cloudflare. Mainly focused on Go, Kubernetes, distributed systems and software supply chain security. Amateur photographer.