Woolly backed E. Yorkshire ex cop (Met & Humpol) retired to NW Highlands with his black dog (not 4 legged)
[url=https://mastodon.scot/tags/ScottishIndependence]#ScottishIndependence[/url], SNP member detests tories. Learning Gaidhlig, Twitcher, Landscape Photographer, Kayaking, History, old Books & maps
[url=https://mastodon.scot/tags/NEWCASTLEUTD]#NEWCASTLEUTD[/url], Ross Co, N. Ferriby FC, Hull FC, New England Patriots & [url=https://mastodon.scot/tags/GOLF]#GOLF[/url]! [url=https://mastodon.scot/tags/Echo]#Echo[/url]&TheBunnymen, Elbow, Joy Division/New Order, The Cure,Pink Floyd, Bowie, T-Rex, The Jam, Madness, Ska, Reggae, Indie, Led Zep, The Who & [url=https://mastodon.scot/tags/JulieFowlis]#JulieFowlis[/url]. Classical & Opera