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Normas en: https://mast.lat/about/more
Este perfil es para avisos URGENTES de la Instancia de Mast.lat, para noticias, actualizaciones y demás, por favor, sigue al administrador en: @trankten
Noem mij maar "Grote Slurf", omdat ik de admin hier ben hé.
Niet altijd even serieus.
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C64 demoscener wannabe. For those unfamiliar with the term, demosceners are a subculture of computer enthusiasts who create demos, which are non-interactive audio-visual presentations that run in real-time on a computer. The Commodore 64 (C64) was a popular home computer in the 1980s, and as a C64 demoscener wannabe, I am passionate about pushing the boundaries of what is possible on this classic platform. I am always excited to connect with other demosceners and learn about new stuff.
pozdrav svima i dobrodošli na Mastodon 🇭🇷!
ovo je službeni administratorski račun i ako imate bilo kakvih pitanja o bilo čemu, slobodno me kontaktirajte.
samo spomenite @admin
zapratite ovaj račun ukoliko želite primati obavijesti o Mastodon Hrvatska
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