We have 364496 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 364496 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert. Sort bySortieren nachNameHandleLocationNewestOldest
Professeur d'université à l'Université catholique de Lille et Responsable du Master Sciences sociales de l'ESSLIL.
Chercheur et expert en analyse de discours et communication (environnement, mèmes, numérique, management et politique) : https://sysdiscours.hypotheses.org/
Musicien chez The Memory Of Snow : https://thememoryofsnow-transnova.bandcamp.com/
🇫🇷🇱🇺🇨🇦Tri-national (FR/CAN/LUX).
Florida Cracker in King Felipe's Court, sort of, and struggling at being a hermit.
Retired senior editor at AFP News, now editing fiction and non-fiction.
Focused on saving my wretched soul while helping to drive orcs from Ukraine and their supporters from the US Congress -- not an easy mix of challenges to juggle.
I make my living doing social change strategy. http://albnelson.comhttp://socialchange.substack.com Came from bird site. Here for #books and news and fun. Got a long thread on Modern Library. “Colloquially expressed, but essentially correct.” -Spock Avatar: 30ish white male w/ T-shirt of Princess Leia w/ David Bowie makeup - says "Rebel Rebel" Header: screenshot from NES Little Nemo game with our hero running through Nightmare Land
...om ingen har tatt navnet da.
Navnet er Alexander B Borgen.
LIS1 i Volda og trives med faget. Opptatt av faglig integritet og sånt. Ellers lite gira på klimaendringer. For tiden ganske opphengt i N7-teaseren.
Jeg vil aldri glemme at jeg fikk 10/10 akademikerstil av Fuchsia Blix på fuglen.