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The Artificial Life Newsletter highlights news, research, projects, events and media that are of interest to the ALife community.
We publish a bi-monthly newsletter at our website (https://alife-newsletter.github.io/Newsletter/), and boost interesting ALife-y posts.
We are always happy to receive suggestions! If you did something cool, do reach out to us, we would love to feature it in the newsletter.
This account is managed by @caranha and @lana
researcher at BRUEGEL, teaching at HKUST and Sunyatsen U. Working for NATIXIS and independent board member at AGEAS. Posting on #Asia, #China, #India#Europe
iOS devops/tooling at Automattic. OSS contributor (CocoaPods, fastlane). Author of OHHTTPStubs, SwiftGen, Reusable & more. Speaker. Blogger. Whovian & Sherlock fan… amongst many other TV Shows
Ph.D. student in ecology but doing bioinformatics and creating tools for analyses
Highly interested in programming and research
interested in #R#python#bash and #pipeline development