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We have 365393 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 365393 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert.Sort bySortieren nach Name Handle Location Newest Oldest
Owen Whiteley
The artist formerly known as Earl Owen the Uncivil
Graphics Research/VFX/Sims/SimCity/Spore/Football Manager/Wayve/Odyssey
Mr Pocket
A budding ttRPG writer/developer, DM, and Dad recently moved to the wilds of Yorkshire (pronouns he/him).
My first adventure is available here [url=https://www.dmsguild.com/product/380078]https://www.dmsguild.com/product/380078[/url]
Itch page here: [url=https://andrewwritegood.itch.io/]https://andrewwritegood.itch.io/[/url]
Often selling RPG books on eBay here:
Andrew Wyld
Mathematician, computer scientist, musician, zymurgist and dissimulator since 1977. Part of Fake Teak and Dawn Of The Squid. He/him
Andrew Harrison 🏴🇬🇧🇪🇺
Human [url=https://mastodon.online/tags/FBPE]#FBPE[/url] | Liberté, égalité, fraternité | Vive la République! He/Him Make the world a better place. Interested in positive solutions to the world we are living in. Curious how systems make the world the way it is and how we can change the rules to get the progressive outcomes we need. Love the writings of [url=https://mastodon.online/tags/IainMBanks]#IainMBanks[/url]
I am a student who likes free/libre software.
Andrew Zah
English male, non smoker, currently not in a relationship with a political party, wltm one which is honest, competent and pragmatic. No ideologues please.
Header pic is the River Nith flowing into the Solway Firth, the Lake District Fells just visible on the horizon.
Andrew Talbot
🍵 drinks a lot of tea, writes a little code.
Andrew Lover
I am an Assistant Professor in Epidemiology
@UMassSPHHS, @andrew.a.lover
Infectious disease epi & surveillance • Global/public health
Health surveillance for people, pathogens, and vectors, especially in the tricky spaces between each of those.
(all toots/tweets & views my own)
Andrew Chou
Senior dev at Awana Digital (formerly Digital Democracy) 🌎 • Former core dev at Manyverse • occasionally none too happy 🐝
Andrew C
I love movies and pizza and video games. Since there aren't any pizza features on here, I'll just be focusing on movies and video games... begrudgingly, of course.
Also a lover of breakfast and pizza. Oh, I said pizza before? ... Oops...
User of NerdAsteroid, The Verge, and countless other places for people who are great.
Currently a TE Technician at Warner Bros. Discovery.
Andrew C.
I love movies and pizza and video games. Since there aren't any pizza features on here, I'll just be focusing on movies and video games... begrudgingly, of course.
Also a lover of breakfast and pizza. Oh, I said pizza before? ... Oops...
User of NerdAsteroid, The Verge, and countless other places for people who are great.
Currently a TE Technician at Warner Bros. Discovery.
Andrew Lin
Neuroscientist studying olfaction, lecturer & group leader at the University of Sheffield
Andrew de Ridder
So far so good
42 year old nerd, therefore the answer to life, the universe, and everything. Gamer. Ally. Tech guy. Raising money for Children's Miracle Network with Gamers For Children's Health & Trevor Project with Gamers for LGBTQIA+ Youth. I swear. A lot... Sorry... [url=https://plush.city/tags/BLM]#BLM[/url]
Andrew Gronow 🏴
Welshman with a camera.
Photography, Music, sometimes both together...
Andrew Havranek
Reporter for Spectrum News 1 Wisconsin • Formerly seen on KY3 and WDTV • ΣΝ • Duquesne University Alum • Penguins/Steelers/Pirates/Avalanche fan • Love the shows BigBrother and Survivor
Andrew Honest
Andrew Kennedy
Technical Director for Animation and VFX. I like it when pixels do neat things.
Andrew Jorgenson
Mostly Focusing on the Human Dimensions of the Climate Crisis With a Heavy Dose of Global Political Economy. Professor @ University of British Columbia and Research Fellow @ Vilnius University. Founding Journal Coeditor, Sociology of Development @ University of California Press. NCA5 Author. Recent NAEHSC member.
Andrew Lillywhite
Yorkshire bloke living in either Co. Wexford or Co. Carlow depending on which delivery company you are 😎
Will do an intro post when I can think of something to put in it. Might take a while…
Andrew Lusk
Principal Engineer @ EC2, hobbyist embedded hardware hacker,
opinions my own, yada yada yada. WAAAGH!