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Leather, bad puns, thick boys. He/him. Sometimes distributed systems. Purveyor of fine jockstrap selfies.
Reddit: "Weirdly obsessed with linked lists".
Peter Watts: "The most innovative fanfic I've ever read".
Switchy leatherman into bad puns, thick boys, and distributed systems. Purveyor of fine jockstrap selfies. Woof.group admin.
Jim Starkey: "Of interest only to third-rate academics a few papers short of a tenure package."
Reddit: "would never ever ever hire this degenerate holy shit"
Peter Watts: "The most innovative fanfic I've ever read."
I am the API Evangelist, making sense of the technology, business, policies, and the people of APIs since 2010 -- providing API governance as a service to the enterprise via API contracts.
Ambientóloga, bajista y empresaria. Programadora newbie.
Ayudando a empresas y emprendedores con corazón sostenible a diseñar sus estrategias y negocios desde 2013.
Ambientóloga, empresaria, bajista, jugona y podcaster. Me flipa aprender cosas nuevas y crear otras. Trabajando por la sostenibilidad en las organizaciones, luchando contra el greenwashing y rediseñando el mundo lo mejor que pueda.
In a sense, I am a beekeeper, hence the username.
I work in the rail industry trying to secure all the things: tons of legacy infrastructure which is now being networked.
Never forget: there is no cloud, there is only other people's computers.
I break shit for fun. Sometimes I even fix it afterwards!
They say that "life is what happens while we're busy making other plans", and they're right; tot i que la vida m'ha allunyat de Catalunya, tinc moltes ganes de tornar a casa.
Geek. Aspie. Poly.
Building product at Forestwalk Labs in Vancouver. Previously founded Steamclock. I also host It Shipped That Way, and write monthly about what I’m learning.
I am a #feminist I am a pessimistic optimistI am NOT part of the #TwitterExodus #MastodonMigration I very much enjoy #Cooking and #Reading. I dabble in #GraphicDesign I have a degree in #SocialScience I am not an ‘either/or’ person, but an ‘and’: wine & beer, cats & dogs, movies & books ... You get the idea