We have 371689 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 371689 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert. Sort bySortieren nachNameHandleLocationNewestOldest
Oooh, what does this button do?
Diagnosed with ADHD at the ripe age of 35, after a previous psychiatrist tried to tell me all of my problems were caused by the (lack of) father figure.
Sequence break scenic route any% gender glitch speedrun in progress.
Follow requests generally accepted, but if we don't know each other from elsewhere, *please* have some posts/bio/whatever for a general vibe check.
Socially awkward, and sometimes doing A Stupid™; please point it out if that happens.
human, who loves going into random rambles & rabbit-holes. Loves/hates programming, and trying to get into more humanities & social science stuff. Community Engineer @hackclub
Minyungbul womiin, Aust lawyer, company director, business strategist, PhD Scholar 'race and economics' .
CEO Currie Country Group – A First Nation cousin consortium, sovereign food activist. She/Her
She/her/ella QA y a veces producer de profesión. En mis ratos libres leo, juego a rol y paseo. Me encanta pasear por la naturaleza pero no me molesta caminar por ciudades. Roja, feminista, transincluyente y anti-racista. Se me da fatal crear perfiles.
She/her, cis, Rolera, lgtbi+, anarquista, creo en el apoyo y la cooperación dentro de la comunidad. Leo mucha fantasía y sci-fi sobre todo si son señoras.
Blog de cosas que voy leyendo: https://arabelsk.mataroa.blog/
The personal account of Issandr El Amrani, author of The Arabist blog. Mostly MENA politics and culture. Usual caveats apply. Also at @arabist@twitter.com
Ex-academic (nursingwith a focus on older adults, end-of-life, family caregiving, and mental health). Former hospice #RN, now RN case manager for the Washoe Tribal clinic in Northern Nevada. Live with my beloved wife and sweet cat.
#Weave and #spin for joy.
Pronouns She/her
Living on Washoe Country