We have 371054 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 371054 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert. Sort bySortieren nachNameHandleLocationNewestOldest
beta sur la place mais tendance Epsilon , donc n'aime pas les roses, ni les Alpha, et quand je serais grand je serais miroir pour pouvoir réfléchir CMB Je suis #DunningKruger#intolérant.
je ne discute pas avec une brouette, je la pousse
Poblenovina. Omplo el temps amb paraules. Filologia Catalana.
Escric, escric, escric...
"Gran ocell de silenci", "Quan em vinguin a buscar", "Si demanes ajuda a la bruixa bona d'un conte", "Alícia i la fredor d'alta mar", "Una revetlla sota el llit", "La Trementina i les plagues de la maga Urtica".
I’m a highly organized and detail-oriented professional seeking a challenging .NET role to gain hands-on experience and make a meaningful impact. I am eager to leverage my .NET skills and knowledge to contribute effectively and achieve organizational goals. I’m open to new opportunities and excited about potential collaborations within the .NET ecosystem. #DotNet#CSharp#CareerGrowth#ProfessionalDevelopment#Networking#JobSearch#Opportunities#Innovation#Arahimx
Tranquille. Je microblogue un peu. Je lis de la science-fiction et de la poésie anglaise. Je m'efforce de rester libre. Et parfois, je plaide. she/her | Paris
I teach math. I read scifi and fantasy, more of the latter these days. Latest fav author: Naomi Novik. Wish people would stop venerating bigots, but not optimistic that'll ever happen. He/Him.
Moving here from twitter, where I'm @4atan1
Bielefeld | Hamburg | Kolkata
Fußball | Fahrrad | Fotografie
All spots by bicycle | by foot | by train
Long-time fan, white, cis, queer, middle-aged. I love fandom and I love fans, but I am absolutely here for thinking critically about what we do. My current main fannish interests are kpop and BL dramas, but I have collected a zillion fandoms over the years that I'll always sort of give a shit about.