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Explorando las redes libres

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Luis Olave A



Blogger, Emprendedor y Marketero Digital Práctico el Sueño Polifásico, Dieta Keto y Ayuno Intermitente.

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Drope Strauss



Tecnologías cotidianas, juegos de rol, películas basura y comentarios random de actualidad.

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Textos Escolares



Libros escolares del mineduc. El Ministerio de Educación de Chile ha realizado diferentes esfuerzos por desarrollar, producir y realizar la distribución de libros y textos escolares, con el fin de entregar recursos educativos de calidad a todos los estudiantes chilenos y, progresivamente, avanzar hacia un modelo más sostenible. Puedes ver el catalogo de [url=https://mistextosescolares.cl]textos escolares[/url] en la web, los cuales estan disponibles para su descarga en pdf para alumos y docentes.

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calculadora online



Somos la plataforma integral que ofrece una amplia colección de [url=https://calculadoraonline.cl]calculadoras online[/url], diseñadas para satisfacer diversas necesidades educativas, con un enfoque particular en la enseñanza de las matemáticas. Nuestra web dispone de herramientas para realizar desde cálculos básicos hasta operaciones complejas, convirtiéndose en un recurso indispensable tanto para estudiantes como para profesores en el ámbito escolar. Cada calculadora ha sido desarrollada con el objetivo de facilitar el aprendizaje y permitir que los usuarios obtengan resultados rápidos y precisos, optimizando su experiencia educativa. Entre nuestras herramientas más destacadas se encuentra la [url=https://calculadoraonline.cl/regla-de-tres/]calculadora de regla de tres[/url], esencial para comprender y resolver problemas de proporciones de forma rápida y sencilla. Esta calculadora es especialmente valiosa en el aula, ya que ayuda a los estudiantes a aplicar este concepto matemático fundamental en contextos prácticos. CalculadoraOnline.cl es tu compañero confiable en la educación, proporcionando una plataforma intuitiva que simplifica el aprendizaje de las matemáticas y promueve el éxito académico en todos los niveles escolares.

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Anonymous Chile



¡Seguimos de pie, seguimos en la lucha, firmes como siempre, en pie de guerra! ~ Correo/JID: anonchile@krutt.org ~ Matrix: https://matrix.to/#/#AnonCl:matrix.org

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Chino Hills, California, USA

Howard Chen


Chino Hills, California, USA

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Chongqing, China

Sishun Liu


Chongqing, China

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Cincinnati, Ohio, USA



Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Loved by 500k+ customers and shipped to 100+ countries and counting. Handmade marble chess pieces, chess boards, marble chess sets, home décor items, and kitchen ornamentation. We have warehouses all around the globe, including USA, UK, UAE, and CANADA.

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Civitas Dei, Italy

Il Vati Cano


Civitas Dei, Italy

Faccio la posta, seguo la pista, annuso culi

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Clacton-on-Sea, Essex, United Kingdom

Dutch Barracuda


Clacton-on-Sea, Essex, United Kingdom

Just giving Friendica a go vs the other Fed apps.

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Clare County, Michigan, USA



Clare County, Michigan, USA

Happily and blessed marriage of 20 years at the end of August 2022. Ordained Minister since April 23, 1999. (See About the Ministry God has given me at the bottom of this page) Moved from Houghton Lake, MI and now living full time in our 5th wheel RV (we call it Myrtle) along the Tobacco River in Clare, MI. My nickname is Pete.. Started out as a tinkerer of electronics - a handheld walkie talkie and a wire tied to the antenna and up in a tree, adjusting the guts in the walkie talkie my first station heard was WWV Fort Collins, Colorado. Spent many years with CB radio 11 meters including 40 channel SSB in the 60s and part of the early 70s. SWL kept my interest with many QSLs from far away lands (Japan, Switzerland, Norway, Russia, Cuba, and others plus Pirate Radio stations like Radio MiAmigo of the coast of England. 11 year U.S. Air Force Veteran (Cold War/Vietnam Combat Veteran). July 1969 to July 1980. In the military, I started out as a Ground Radio Operator using HF equipment in the U.S. to keep in contact with SAC aircraft, reporting to their respective Command Centers weather reports, emergency communications, etc. Did 3 years in England doing the same. In Vietnam, I was a MARS Radio Operator (AI8AC) Cam Rahn Bay, and was the gateway station for Vietnam and Thailand Air Force MARS stations. Later became an Administrative Clerk. Last 4 years, did Air Force Law Enforcement (Security Police Patrolman and then Flight Chief) using VHF radios. Presently, I live fulltime in a 5th wheel RV known as Myrtle (also a Travel Trailer we call Junior is my Ham Shack. My present ham shack equipment is: Icom IC-7300. 100 watts (Primary) Antenna is a G5RV Dipole. Alinco DX-SR8 HF 50 watts transceiver with LDG AT-200Pro II Autotuner (Back up units); 2 meter VHF transceiver is a Yaesu FTM-2000DR running from a SEC 1212 Power Supply. Anli High Gain Base antenna at 20 feet on military surplus fiberglass poles. Yaesu FT-2500M mobile (was repaired by my good buddy in Lupton, Dan, W8DMI) is my mobile rig. Also, an Yaesu FT-2700M Mobile I lost and recently found. I have a D-Star capable Icom ID-51 A Plus 2 with a Raspberry PI MMDVM - still trying to figure it out. I have a Grundig Satellit 750 Communications Receiver; (a Radio Shack DX-390 Communications Receiver - gave to my Grandson along with a Baofeng handheld to listen on - doesn't have his license yet.) and a Grundig YB 300PE AM/FM-Stereo/SW Receiver. Grundig FR-200 Handcrank Emergency Backup SWL Radio. Other radios include: Baofeng UV-5R HT. Olympia R100 Personal Recreation Handheld Transceivers. Also, a Bearcat 210XL Scanner Radio. Radio Shack Weather Alert Radio model 12-247. Cobra 38WXST Handheld 40 Channel CB Radio. A waterproof Marine handheld radio Memberships: Member 609 Wolverine Single Sideband Net Member 932 Christian Amateur Radio Fellowship Net Member 246 Michigan Buzzard's Roost Net Member of the Wexaukee Amateur Radio Club, Cadillac, MI. Member of the Ogema - Arenac Amateur Radio Society Member of The American Legion Amateur Radio Club - TALARC - Member #205516274 Member of the Family Motor Coach Amateur Radio group (F496719) Member of the Michigan Buzzard's Roost network - 5 PM Mon - Fri 3.930 MHz Wolverine Single Sideband Net, 2200 UTC, 3.935.00 - Member #609 Have my General ticket - woohoo! Next will be the Extra. The HIS stands for HIS (God's child - I am HIS - thank you, Jesus). 1 John 3:1 Nets to check out: Come let us reason together - Christian Amateur Radio Fellowship Network - 3.930 MHz Mon - Sat . Early birds show up around 6:30 am (1130 UTC) - Net officially starts are 7 am EST (1200 UTC) - CARF Member # 932 American Legion (Posts) schedule: https://www.legion.org/hamradio/monthly-net-schedule .Check out the 2 meter "N8UT Morning Coffee Net" - Repeater is K8OAR, West Branch, Pointer Hill Park, use Echolink K8OAR West Branch or KC8FCQ-L All Star link or on 2 meters: 146.940 -0.6 MHz 103.5/103.5 About the Ministry God has given me: As Vietnam Combat Veteran who has Metastatic Prostate cancer from Agent Orange, the Veterans Administration has declared I am 100% permanent disable and homebound. I do not travel very often. I stay close to home. The medications I take for controlling the cancer has left me homebound due to incontenence. So God has blessed me with a Ministry of Prayer. I pray for our children as they go to school, are at school, on the way home from school and at their homes. I also pray for the widows, widowers, orphans, homeless, those trapped in Human Trafficking, the First Responders, the Military, Medical Personnel - and all their families. When I see or hear sirens, I pray for those who are responding and to those they are responding to. Hope to chat with each of you. 73s and 75 God bless you and yours #ham radio, #security police, #Air Force #amateur radio, #Christian, #Minister, #Nature, #Mushrooms, #Photography,#Vietnam Veteran, #Catfishing, #Pikefishing, #Fishing

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Cleveland, Ohio, USA

Ari Ousley


Cleveland, Ohio, USA

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Cloughjordan, Tipperary, Ireland

Elaine Baker


Cloughjordan, Tipperary, Ireland

I am Irish, I live in Cloughjordan Tipperary Ireland and previously lived in Dar es Salaam Tanzania for almost 20 years. I am a parent and an environmental activist. I am ElaineActivism on Mastodon. Trying out Friendica.

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Cluny, Bourgogne, France



Cluny, Bourgogne, France

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Grant Stephenson



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Coastal Highway, Lewes, Delaware, USA

Devstringx Technologies


Coastal Highway, Lewes, Delaware, USA

Devstringx Technologies is the most trusted automation testing services provider. One of our branches is in Lewes, Delaware, USA, and our corporate office is in Noida, India. we offer high-quality services at competitive prices.

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Cockburn Central, Western Australia, Australia



Cockburn Central, Western Australia, Australia

Norweld has a proud history of making our customers dreams a reality. Through years of research and development at our head office, we have strived to develop the ultimate ute canopies Perth packages, designed and manufactured by Australians, using the highest grade materials with cutting edge manufacturing techniques.

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Cockburn Central, Western Australia, Australia



Cockburn Central, Western Australia, Australia

Norweld has a proud history of making our customers dreams a reality. Through years of research and development at our head office, we have strived to develop the ultimate aluminium ute trays Perth, designed and manufactured by Australians, using the highest grade materials with cutting edge manufacturing techniques.

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Cockburn Central, Western Australia, Australia



Cockburn Central, Western Australia, Australia

Norweld has a proud history of making our customers dreams a reality. Through years of research and development at our head office, we have strived to develop the ultimate aluminium ute tray and canopy packages, designed and manufactured by Australians, using the highest grade materials with cutting edge manufacturing techniques. Heavy-duty ute trays Perth for some of Australia’s harshest conditions.

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Cockburn Central, Western Australia, Australia

Linnea Johnn


Cockburn Central, Western Australia, Australia

Allassignmenthelp.com helps you to visit at the top of the class with assignments help Australia. We produce the most exceptional quality and the best assignment help and that too at very moderate rates.

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Cockburn Central, Western Australia, Australia



Cockburn Central, Western Australia, Australia

Tray and canopy packages Perth has a proud history of making our customers dreams a reality. Through years of research and development at our head office, we have strived to develop the ultimate tray and canopy packages Perth designed and manufactured by Australians, using the highest grade materials with cutting edge manufacturing techniques. We are experts in designing and manufacturing heavy-duty tray and canopy packages Perth for some of Australia’s harshest conditions, including a range of accessories to suit your vehicle.

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Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

Hospiinz International


Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India

Laparoscopic Equipment is a surgical tool that involves inserting small incisions into the body to operate on it. The Equipment is minimally invasive and is usually used to help perform operations safely. Laparoscopic Equipment is used for operations such as appendectomies, gallbladder removal, and gastric bypass.

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Coleman, Texas, USA

Jerry Castiglione


Coleman, Texas, USA

I'm feeling a little lonely lately. I lost my best friend a few months back, and I've been missing them a lot. I'm hoping to make some new friends here to help fill the void.

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College Park, Maryland, USA

Adam Risch


College Park, Maryland, USA

singer/songwriter progressive/left politics https://soundcloud.com/user-659969158 https://www.youtube.com/@adamrisch

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