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We have 361342 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 361342 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert.Sort bySortieren nach Name Handle Location Newest Oldest
Dan Leach
Coolum Beach, Queensland, Australia
Noosa builders has a long history of quality renovations. They offer a range of building services including new home construction, house renovations, house extensions, deckings, pool builds, bathroom and landscaping. The team have over 55 years experience as Noosa builders. They may well be based builders that you have been searching for.
Copenhagen, København, Denmark
Francesco Beltrami
Copenhagen, København, Denmark
mi ha chiamato Simonetta. Viene qui a pranzo. Ora controllo se ho al- del pomodoro x 1sugo. Sempre che abbiamo tempo di mangiare.
Coquimbo, Chile
Im Skrlet13, admin of Chilemasto (https://home.chilemasto.casa)
Soy agénero.
Main: @skrlet13@chilemasto.casa
No reviso a toda la gente de la cual comparto, así que vayan con cuidado. Espero ser inofensive.
Pronombres / Pronombre They/them - Elle Languages ENG - ESP
Icon por @LaConejo@chilemasto.casa.
Autocomparto mis publicaciones de otros perfiles acá de floje.
Cork, Ireland
Corswarem, Liege, Belgium
Alan Batie
Corvallis, Oregon, USA
Steve Coley
Costa Mesa California, California, USA
looking for a sincere relationship...I'm a passionate person and I really have passion for all people, I respect the views of all people no matter the age of the person. I really love nature, long walks. I'm responsible, caring, Loyal and always faithful...I like animals,dogs,cats,that are fluffy,but i don't have any.
Cotonou, Atlantique, Benin
#Digital #Change #Management 🚀 #Marketing - FR/EN - #HEC #ESSEC #Microsoft alum - Looking for opportunities => remote 🌍 - "Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainty." (E. Fromm)
Glenn Chivers
Cotton Tree, Queensland, Australia
Sunshine Coast Luxury Transfers provides reliable private airport transfers between Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast. We are conveniently situated at the heart of the Sunshine Coast and provide a full personalised service to our clients. Our door to door service compares favourably to travelling by taxi or bus. Nothing is ever too much trouble for our friendly, attentive drivers. We understand the importance of being in the right place at the right time. It will come as no surprise that over the years we have earned a reputation for being one of the best Brisbane airport transfers companies on the Sunshine Coast. Some of our common private and luxury transfers include: Brisbane to Noosa, Sunshine Coast airport to Noosa, Noosa to Brisbane airport and Sunshine Coast to Brisbane airport. Travelling with us means that you will arrive relaxed and on time. Our modern vehicles are kept immaculately clean for your added comfort. We believe that your trip doesn’t just start once you arrive at the airport. For us, it starts the very moment our experienced driver greets you and collects your luggage. We set the standards in care and attention that others struggle to keep up with.
Glenn Chivers
Cotton Tree, Queensland, Australia
Sunshine Coast Luxury Transfers provides reliable private airport transfers between Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast. We are conveniently situated at the heart of the Sunshine Coast and provide a full personalised service to our clients. Our door to door service compares favourably to travelling by taxi or bus. Nothing is ever too much trouble for our friendly, attentive drivers. We understand the importance of being in the right place at the right time. It will come as no surprise that over the years we have earned a reputation for being one of the best Brisbane airport transfers companies on the Sunshine Coast. Some of our common private and luxury transfers include: Brisbane to Noosa, Sunshine Coast airport to Noosa, Noosa to Brisbane airport and Sunshine Coast to Brisbane airport. Travelling with us means that you will arrive relaxed and on time. Our modern vehicles are kept immaculately clean for your added comfort. We believe that your trip doesn’t just start once you arrive at the airport. For us, it starts the very moment our experienced driver greets you and collects your luggage. We set the standards in care and attention that others struggle to keep up with.
Gajowy Marucha
Courbevoie, Warsaw, Poznań, Clermont-Ferrand
Shawn South
Covington, Washington, USA
Crest, France
Compte temporaire pour découvrir friendica et le fediverse
avec l'idée de peut être développer un plugin SPIP
Diane Louisa Freidman
Crewe, Chesire, United Kingdom
Transgender lady looking to make friends away from facebook.
Tibor S
Discovering the meaning of life over a cup of coffee.
Stephen Quinn
Cumbria, United Kingdom
Riyadh Hossen
Cumilla, Chittagong, Bangladesh
Script Kiddie
My life is a scripted reality soap.
Michal Klodner
Czech Republic
Linux, horses, dogs, Jew, Israel 🇮🇱, Czechoslovakia 🇨🇿, vegetarian.
Czech Republic
O všem možném vážně i nevážně.
Jen ten pomoci zaslouží, kdo se sám přičiní.
[b]Pro bezpečnější komunikaci:[/b]
[url=https://cloud.krivosik.cz/index.php/s/k9B5WnrR9KdSAMB]GnuPG klíč ke stažení.[/url]
V referendu jsem hlasoval proti vstupu do NATO i proti vstupu do EU.
Jsem pro zachování Koruny České jako národní měny. Chci zachovat hotovost.
Narodil jsem se v Československu. A přestože je dnes rozděleno na dvě části, obě považuji za svůj domov.
Zažil jsem socialismus a někdy kolem roku 2012 jsem si všiml, že je zpět. Tentokrát přišel ze západu.
Kolem roku 2020 už to bylo jako v padesátých letech.
Nejméně od roku 2021 se v ČR [url=https://www.incorrect.cz/fasismus-a-jeho-pojeti-v-dnesni-spolecnosti/]prohlubuje fašismus[/url] a to [url=https://www.incorrect.cz/pirati-versus-fasismus/]zcela otevřeně[/url]. Podpora současného ukrajinského státu je [url=https://cloud.krivosik.cz/index.php/s/waw4wWaWqEcPZQG]otevřená podpora fašismu[/url].
Západní kolonie, ve které dnes žijeme, dosáhla nového dna při [url=https://www.nespokojeny.cz/fasisticky-azov-agituje-v-praze-ukrajinsti-hajlujici-ultranackove-vladni-garniture-nevadi/]náckovske akci 31.7.2024[/url]. Fuj.
Czech Republic
Profile with posts in English language.
[url=https://friendica.namestaci.cz/profile/radimcz]My profile in Czech language. [/url]
Czech Republic
[b]Pomoci jen ten zaslouží, kdo se i sám přičiní.[/b]
Profil s příspěvky v českém jazyce.
[url=https://friendica.namestaci.cz/profile/radim]My profile in English language.[/url]
Před mnoha lety jsem začal na Diaspoře, ale ten účet už je dávno pryč. Pak jsem na zkoušku založil účet na Mastodon serveru abych nakonec skončil na svém vlastním Friendica serveru. Takže vítej, návštěvníku.
Hledám zajímavé lidi a profily ke sdílení informací.
Moje názory jsou moje a nenutím vám je. Nenuťte mi ty vaše.
Czech Republic