We have 363079 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 363079 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert. Sort bySortieren nachNameHandleLocationNewestOldest
I'm a computer science student and a free software enthousiast. I like :star_trek1::star_trek2::star_trek3::star_trek4::star_trek5:, programming and walking outside.
I'm Dutch so I will sometimes retoot Dutch posts and reply in Dutch to Dutch posts. But most of the time I'll speak English.
If you want to talk, feel free to reach out: I like talking.
There's nothing more to say about me.
Interested in system performance and distributed system; now increasingly focusing on sustainability...Works for #intel, previously #IBM, #Sun and #DLR.
Professor of Comparative Pathology, Erasmus MC, The Netherlands | Lead author IPBES Nexus Assessment | Emerging infectious diseases | Avian influenza | One Health | Rapid transition to a sustainable society
2 dochters • 2 katten • IT • Gent • 🇧🇪
Muziek • Badminton • Japans 日本語 (初心者)
Tweet in eigen naam • hij/hem
Every thought has it's own way
of keeping it's flavour
like a gum for the brain to chew on
Ex-Wirtschaftsflüchtling aus the Länd mit Automobilindustrie- und Fahrradstadthintergrund geht in Kiel zu Fuß zur Straßenbahn oder nimmt das Rad. Hier privat. Liebt die neue Heimat #Klinkerbronx.
optet in on tootfinder
Liebt Fahrräder, liebt Bäbber, liebt Dinge im öffentlichen Raum, die Geschichten erzählen ohne Frikadellen ans Ohr zu schnacken. Heimathafen Kiel. Mostly Bicycles and Politics and stuff #Pixelfed
Philosopher and engineer // Interests: philosophy of technology, infrastructures, energy transition, ontology, media aesthetics // 'Your modus ponens is my modus tollens'