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We have 362363 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 362363 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert.Sort bySortieren nach Name Handle Location Newest Oldest
Thomas Clavier
Agiliste, entrepreneur, enseignant, software craftsmanship, coach, devops, libriste.
Le moyen le plus sur de ne pas rater mes publications, c'est de vous abonner à mon blog.
Thomas Cloer
A man of wealth and taste. Früher™ Journalist. Koppelt durch. Macht beruflich Faxen. Spricht für sich. Für Tech-News folgen. [url=https://digitalcourage.social/tags/FCKPTN]#FCKPTN[/url] [url=https://digitalcourage.social/tags/FCKAFD]#FCKAFD[/url] [url=https://digitalcourage.social/tags/FCKNZS]#FCKNZS[/url] Der Feind steht rechts!
Thomas Cloer
A man of wealth and taste. Früher™ Journalist. Koppelt durch. Macht beruflich Faxen. Spricht für sich. Für Tech-News folgen. [url=https://ieji.de/tags/FCKPTN]#FCKPTN[/url] [url=https://ieji.de/tags/FCKAFD]#FCKAFD[/url] [url=https://ieji.de/tags/FCKNZS]#FCKNZS[/url] Der Feind steht rechts!
Thomas Clothier
Korea, North
African Soc dissident in kr | Social Political Psychologist | Wordsmith
In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Beneficent.
Thomas Collett
Sr. Engineer @ AWS. He/him. 🏳️🌈🇬🇧🇺🇸
Thomas Connor
CfA astronomer working in the Chandra Director's Office. High redshift quasars, X-ray astronomy, galaxy clusters, observing in general. Astronomy-specific alt, but toots personal, not CfA/SAO endorsed. Alt: @mstdn.social/ThomasConnor [url=https://astrodon.social/tags/Astrodon]#Astrodon[/url] [url=https://astrodon.social/tags/Astronomy]#Astronomy[/url] [url=https://astrodon.social/tags/Astrophysics]#Astrophysics[/url]
Thomas Consolo Sims
Tom Solo
Thomas Coudreau
Physicien défroqué. Je parle de recherche, d'innovation, de formation, d'universités.
Defrocked physicist. I talk about research, innovation, education, universities.
Compte perso/Personal account
Thomas Crossley
I don't say much but I like to browse. I hope that doesn't make me a stalker.
I wonder who those two kids were, and if their mother's missing them yet?
[url=https://mastodonapp.uk/tags/Retired]#Retired[/url] [url=https://mastodonapp.uk/tags/OldBloke]#OldBloke[/url] [url=https://mastodonapp.uk/tags/boomer]#boomer[/url] [url=https://mastodonapp.uk/tags/engineer]#engineer[/url] [url=https://mastodonapp.uk/tags/widowed]#widowed[/url] [url=https://mastodonapp.uk/tags/dogs]#dogs[/url] [url=https://mastodonapp.uk/tags/walks]#walks[/url] [url=https://mastodonapp.uk/tags/lytham]#lytham[/url] [url=https://mastodonapp.uk/tags/longridge]#longridge[/url] [url=https://mastodonapp.uk/tags/lancashire]#lancashire[/url] [url=https://mastodonapp.uk/tags/claret]#claret[/url] [url=https://mastodonapp.uk/tags/food]#food[/url] [url=https://mastodonapp.uk/tags/bread]#bread[/url] [url=https://mastodonapp.uk/tags/france]#france[/url] [url=https://mastodonapp.uk/tags/sverige]#sverige[/url] [url=https://mastodonapp.uk/tags/history]#history[/url] [url=https://mastodonapp.uk/tags/f1]#f1[/url]#languages [url=https://mastodonapp.uk/tags/duolingo]#duolingo[/url] [url=https://mastodonapp.uk/tags/svenska]#svenska[/url] [url=https://mastodonapp.uk/tags/francais]#francais[/url] [url=https://mastodonapp.uk/tags/cymraeg]#cymraeg[/url] [url=https://mastodonapp.uk/tags/bsl]#bsl[/url] [url=https://mastodonapp.uk/tags/SignLanguage]#SignLanguage[/url]
Thomas Crowne's Affair
Have a great day. Ace, grey aro. Sometimes NSFW.
Thomas Cundiff
Thomas D.
Pflegefachkraft, Pflegedienstleitung seit vielen Jahren. Familienmensch, 4 Kinder, 2 Enkelinnen, jetzt in Patchwork Familie.
Grün seit ich denken kann, auch mit Parteibuch.
Bin ich eigenwillig? Ja!
Was interessiert mich?
Meine Familie, Kinder und Enkel sind mir nahe. Mein Beruf, Pflege! Grundsätzlich soziale Fragen und Gerechtigkeit. Kann meinen Mund nicht halten bei Lügen und Oberflächlichkeit.
Rheinländer, durch und durch! Kölle alaaf, auch wenn ich jetzt auf dem Land wohne
Born 317,64 ppm
Thomas D.
Thomas D.
entrepreneur | software developer
Thomas D.
Thomas D. Carroll
I am Associate Professor (Teaching) at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), where I teach courses in philosophy, religious studies and interdisciplinary humanities.
I am also working on a few research projects concerning comparative philosophy, globally engaged philosophy of religion, Wittgenstein, ethics, and philosophy of race.
Thomas D. Embree
Harm Reduction Advocate
Aspiring Writer
Amateur Astronomer
Medium Profile: [url=https://medium.com/@thomas.embree]https://medium.com/@thomas.embree[/url]
Thomas Dahms
Photography and music, but mostly photography. Film and digital, but mostly film. He/him.
Thomas Dang
Recovering politician. InfoSec professional. Still trying to make the world a better place. He/him.
Thomas Danick
Schlagzeuger, Bassist, Holzhandwerker, hartnäckiger Demokrat
Thomas Dannhorn
Thomas Daum
Telekommunikation, 3. Bildungsweg, Handwerk, Arbeiterkind.
Zweirad mit Beinkraft, Strom, Benzin. Ambivalent.
Thomas Davis
English/Environmental Humanities @ Ohio State. Author: The Extinct Scene: Late Modernism & Everyday Life (Columbia UP 2016). Now: Forming Attachments: Aesthetic Education & Ecological Crisis. Literature, environment, energy, punk, black metal, sleep, other hellscapes.
Copies of essays & other things: [url=https://www.thomassdavis.net]https://www.thomassdavis.net[/url]
Thomas de Beus
Data- en onderzoeksjournalist bij Pointer (KRO-NCRV). Speciale intresse in grootste uitdagingen van onze tijd: klimaat- en milieucrisis. Maakt: grafieken 📊, uitzendingen 📺, en online interactives 💻. Winnaar online Tegel🥇 2021.
Thomas de Grivel
Elixir, C, Common Lisp, Ruby, OpenBSD