We have 362688 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 362688 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert. Sort bySortieren nachNameHandleLocationNewestOldest
📚 Quanta Books founder/publisher; editor of ALICE AND BOB MEET THE WALL OF FIRE + THE PRIME NUMBER CONSPIRACY
🌌 Quanta Magazine founder/1st editor in chief
✍🏼 former NYTimes journalist, CASW board member
🚴🏼 cycling, tennis, chess enthusiast
🦣 Mastodon newbie
Government digital transformation researcher & practitioner at OpenNorth.
Doing anti-technosolutionist work to assess whether and then how #smartcities, #AI, #datagovernance, #AIA, #OGP, etc can help build equitable and sustainable societies.
PhD in sociology/STS/political theory/etc. Thesis on policing, digital tech, surveillance, societal impacts. Abolitionism must be our horizon of innovation.
Geopolitics dilettante.
Mostly Toronto. Sometimes Spain. Always wish I was in Cape Town.
operates data center and isp infrastructure as a profession @liske; board member and co-founder of @dd_ix; amateur photographer @laugufe; t1d closed looper
Instigator. Views are my own. Engineering leader focused primarily on platforms, but mostly a generalist. Broad range of interests including: #sciencefiction, #fantasy, #history, #linguistics, #tech, #science, #math, and #dogs. In the realm of tech, I've been a software engineer for many years. I'm interested in far too many areas to try and list them here. I also have a love of music (playing and listening) across a wide variety of genres.
Freiberuflicher technischer Berater, FMEA-Moderator, AGILean Coach aus Lippstadt. Kein Freund von AfD, Trump, & Co., Klimaschwurblern und Verschwörungsmythen.