We have 361431 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 361431 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert. Sort bySortieren nachNameHandleLocationNewestOldest
I'm @Tim_McNulty on twitter (now inactive). Ancient Geek, originally from Liverpool now exiled in my fortress of solitude on the #IsleOfMan. Hater of Pink Floyd, Gin and Mustard. IT professional since 1988. AntiFascist. Sweary. Nerdy. Atheist. Socialist. Woke AF #BLM Head over heels in love with @lostlifefound 💫💫
I'm a Professor in the Political Science Department at Columbia University and I edit Post-Soviet Affairs. I write about autocracy, corruption, and political economy usually with a focus on Russia or Ukraine.
#Russia, #Ukraine, #econtwitter. #polisci, #autocracy, #data#research
President & CEO - Fullerton Strategies. Ex. Obama for America, U.S. Department of the Interior, State of New York, and many progressive orgs. From the great state of Maine.
Long-time metal fan raised on glam, NWOBHM, US hard rock & metal, and later Goth rock and industrial.
Enjoying the great Fediverse metal community, and exploring the bands and sub-genres I've missed over the years.
Avatar: Black Akubra Bogart hat
Banner: Close up image of Eddie's bloodshot and rather angry eyes, from the promotional material for the Iron Maiden Senjutsu album.
Transport modeller, Operational Research, canoe-builder, geek, parent , farmer's son, left-handed leftie, comic reader. Re-order to taste. Woke=considerate/thoughtful. Ongoing Long Covid but I'm still smiling. All views my own.
Neuroscientist. Interested in neural coding, computational methods, retinal physiology, and vision. Working at the University Medical Center Göttingen.