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We have 360816 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 360816 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert.Sort bySortieren nach Name Handle Location Newest Oldest
Tom Sales
Maths PhD student at the University of Warwick — applied/numerical analysis
Tom Schaffer
Chefredakteur von Moment.at ([url=https://mastodon.social/@moment_magazin]@moment_magazin[/url]) - Journalist & Podcaster. Politik, Medien, Fußball ([url=https://det.social/@ballverliebt]@ballverliebt[/url]), Games. (Wien)
Tom Scheinfeldt
Associate Professor of [url=https://hcommons.social/tags/DigitalHumanities]#DigitalHumanities[/url] / Director of [url=https://hcommons.social/tags/DH]#DH[/url] / Director of Greenhouse Studios at UConn. Dad, Husband, Historian, Swimmer.
Tom Schmidt
🌈 pan | ⬅️💚 | Software Developer | GIF King | PB by @SilverBiscuit_ on Twitter | Toots, Boosts in Ger/Eng | | - /
Tom Schmidt 🥄🇺🇸
IT guy, improv actor, dad of [url=https://mas.to/@2000supercat]@2000supercat[/url]. FB: [url=https://facebook.com/tomdar2]https://facebook.com/tomdar2[/url]
Tom Schmitz
YouTube Playlist Kurator - Spotify Playlist Curator | YouTube Playlist Pitching - Spotify Playlist Pitching | Nur für deutschsprachige Musik. [url=https://social.anoxinon.de/tags/Playlistcurator]#Playlistcurator[/url]
Tom Schouten
lam|app -> load,chomp,store
yak pop
Tom Schultz
AKA katnamag
Gamedev, education, public cloud
* The Game Mechanic Database - FOSS, tunable examples of game mechanics
* Lair Inc - online multiplayer platespinner
* Sunset Chaser - infinite spline driver made w/ Wyatt Glenn
* 30 Lightyears Gone - solo journaling game made with [url=https://mastodon.gamedev.place/@ezraszanton]@ezraszanton[/url]
* LizBiz - short/silly adventure, collab with [url=https://wandering.shop/@jeremyteg]@jeremyteg[/url] on narrative design
Tom Schwendener
Weltformkritik | Freier Journalist: Technologie, Politische Ökonomie, Ideologie | Redaktor @inside_it
Tom Scott
Chief Digital Officer @PLOS. Previously Wellcome Collection, Springer Nature, BBC et al. Spoofing my pancreas since 2019.
Tom Scott
Writer, editor, lecturer, occasional poet, Green Party person, based in Cornwall in the UK. Views here not all party positions. On Twitter as @Tom___Scott
Tom Scrow
A Victorian man trapped in the twenty first century
Tom Seitz
Most important... Have fun whatever you are doing 🦄
Located @ingolstadt_de Bavaria; [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/lifelonglearning]#lifelonglearning[/url]; twitter: @Tom_Taste; Digital native, photographer, husband, father, musician (german :Taste 🎹😉)
Tom Sellers
Security geek, packet abuser
Research Eng at
[url=http://fadedlab.wordpress.com]http://fadedlab.wordpress.com[/url] he/him/they/goofball
Tom Sharp
Seattle, Washington, USA
Poet, publisher, programmer, person. Member of Seldovia Village Tribe and Seattle Peace Chorus.
Tom Shaw 🐋
Principal Automation Engineer
Founder @shipitcon, @RITAdvocates, @Docker Capt + Community Leader.
Opinions are my own and not the view of my employer.
Tom Sheppard
Tom Sheppard was born in a maple syrup mine in northern Alberta while his mother vacationed in Saskatchewan. His father denied being an alien until the day he was repatriated to his home planet.
Currently, Tom is a retired techie who is very popular with family and friends who need tech support. What they don't know is that he can't keep up with how crappy tech is getting. He is a destroyer of software. If he hasn't tested it, it hasn't been tested.
He hates computers—but don't we all?
Tom Sherman
I'm more Tim Barry than Avail.
Tom Sherman
Coding with pyjamas on.
Software Engineer working on web, Node.js, and React Native stuffs at OVO Energy
Tom Sias
He/Him. Parent, tabletop-gamer, problematic ally, human. There is no war in Ba Sing Se.
Tom Siedenberg
Jüterbog, Brandenburg, Germany
Stellv. Kreisvorsitzender DIE LINKE Teltow-Fläming
Antifaschist, Feminist, Antikapitalist.
Vorsitzender des Vereins „Bündnis demokratisches Teltow-Fläming“
[url=https://www.die-linke.de/mitmachen/mitglied-werden]Mitglied werden[/url]
Tom Simes
Network Architect
Carrier / ISP veteran
.pcap or it didn't happen...
Dad, aviation geek, pilot, wrench
Poly-motorcyclist, Alaskan
Feral FreeBSD & RPi fanboi
Tom Simonite
Senior editor at WIRED in San Francisco
Tom Simpson
If today were the last day of your life, would you want to do what you are about to do today? - Steve Jobs | [url=https://techhub.social/tags/KUBBall]#KUBBall[/url], [url=https://techhub.social/tags/NDFB]#NDFB[/url], [url=https://techhub.social/tags/apple]#apple[/url], [url=https://techhub.social/tags/Triathlon]#Triathlon[/url], [url=https://techhub.social/tags/boating]#boating[/url], and [url=https://techhub.social/tags/golf]#golf[/url]
Tom Skallas
Girl Dad | Lawyer | Bird App Survivor | TSLAQ | Chicagoan that Blocks Early and Often | Let's connect on BlueSky @tominchicago.bsky.social