We have 361288 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 361288 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert. Sort bySortieren nachNameHandleLocationNewestOldest
Business cybersecurity specialist and ex-physicist specialising in zero trust, identity management and rapid response. Ask me anything!
@askquantum on Twitter
Also director of StopChildTraffic.org, a new charity set up to reduce the risks of refugees being trafficked and to stop the money flows.
Outdoorsy ruralist, maker, internationalist, cyclist, remote worker, blogger, software geek.
Personal account, etc.
I only use CWs for graphic or potentially triggering content.
Cartoonist and Illustrator. My latest book of cartoons, REVENGE OF THE LIBRARIANS, is out now.
This account is a replica from Instagram. Its author can't see your replies. If you find this service useful, please consider supporting us via our Patreon.
This account is a replica from Twitter. Its author can't see your replies. If you find this service useful, please consider supporting us via our Patreon.
Plus j’aime l’informatique, moins j’aime ce que l’on en fait.
Membre de l’association Deuxfleurs où on essaye d’imaginer un internet convivial.
Aussi sur Mastodon et Twitter
Plus j'aime l'informatique, moins j'aime ce que l'on en fait. Alors j'essaie d'imaginer comment on pourrait construire une société différente qui produirait des technologies différentes. J'essaie de partager quelques idées ici et sur mon blog.