𝕹𝖞𝖝 妛彁
Pythoness at the Temple of Neo-Amazonia :: Empress of [url=http://Xenofem.me]Xenofem.me[/url] :: one of many nyxes (moonstruck girl) :: one or several nyxes :: her name is grief :: I'm an angel and the devil :: [url=https://social.xenofem.me/tag/faustbro]#faustbro[/url]
nyx land was born with a special power. she was stronger than all the other posters in post-2018 cavetwitter. she served in the cave/rhett wars fighting the neoreactionaries and in the final battel against nick land they were fighting and she infected him with the u/acc transfem mind virus and nyx turned against l/acc and r/acc and killed them both. she's actually a parallel timeline hyperstitional transfem nick land that has taken on a life of her own which is why she lost an eye, pls stop PMing me asking me why thats why, also g/acc isn't racist fukc you realguattari everyone knos your a stalker transmisogynist aiden
likes: shitposting, bein insane, Maoism, meowing, IFA Wartburg (the band), killin moids, Thanatos, goth, industrial, Victorian mourning fashion, lesbovampirism, human sacrifice, diethyl ether, slime girls who are sentient colonies of mold, IFA Wartburg (car), pink (cyberpositive kind not the gender coded kind)
dislikse: moids, ameriKKKa, the CIA, going outside, humanity, mercurialblack from fedi fuck you merc stop showing everyone my blog you peace of shit, West Germany, realguattari (megga-ass aiden), Eros, Philia, Storge, Philautia, nick land
"the published, revered, and reviled woman queen" - [url=https://social.xenofem.me/users/lilli]@lilli[/url]
"she's the only post modern writer I respect" - [url=https://lizards.live/@vriska]@vriska@lizards.live[/url]
"a big deal in the insane people community" - [url=https://social.xenofem.me/users/llllllllllll]@llllllllllll[/url]
"famous fediverse philosopher and influencer" - [url=https://brain.worm.pink/users/fiore]@fiore@brain.worm.pink[/url]
"i think if jesus had a child. it would be u." [url=https://social.xenofem.me/users/Erato_Heti]@Erato_Heti[/url]
"there's something psychologically wrong with you" - [url=https://social.translunar.academy/users/quasar]@quasar@translunar.academy[/url]
"nyx land is my savior" - [url=https://oomfie.city/@anna_ambrosia]@anna_ambrosia@oomfie.city[/url]
"triple retarded in an era where most are unwilling to even be double" - [url=https://social.xenofem.me/users/erin]@erin[/url]
"I feel like I can really rely on you to say the most ominous shit I’ve ever fucking heard in my entire life at any given moment." - [url=https://social.xenofem.me/users/kittenlikeasmallcat]@kittenlikeasmallcat[/url]
"I'd expect Nyx to more like have a crypt than a harem" - [url=https://queer.hacktivis.me/users/lanodan]@lanodan@queer.hacktivis.me[/url]
".......in a single sentence you've encapsulated every problem i've had on fedi over the last 6 years, simply incredible" - [url=https://jorts.horse/@killeveryhetero]@killeveryhetero@jorts.horse[/url]
"sometimes i wonder if xenofemme users speak a different language to mine" - [url=https://void.rehab/@mia]@mia@void.rehab[/url]
"you're the internet schizo of all time" - [url=https://den.raccoon.quest/@dushman]@dushman@den.raccoon.quest[/url]
"you are honestly my favorite new crazy person" - [url=https://miss.mouse.services/@a7]@a7@miss.mouse.services[/url]
"your so mentally ill that your pussy doesnt grip it fucking bites" - [url=https://fedi.layer02.net/users/tiskaan]@tiskaan@layer02.net[/url]
"so true (what???)" - [url=https://bungle.online/@gamer]@gamer@bungle.online[/url]
"your not just not unbearable, you're bearable!" - [url=https://comp.lain.la/users/straw]@straw@comp.lain.la[/url]
"i hate you" - [url=https://pl.nulled.red/users/m]@m@pl.nulled.red[/url]