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We have 360310 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 360310 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert.Sort bySortieren nach Name Handle Location Newest Oldest
Karen a woke Karen 🧡
On Mastodon world but unable to accept follow requests for some weird reason, so have migrated to here as it's set up differently!! Otherwise a feminist, democratic socialist raging at the elites shafting us.
Diversity is Survival.
Equality is Survival.
Community is Survival.
Solidarity is Survival.
Mastodon.🌎 welcomes fash 🫠
Ex world mod telling you it's fashy here.
You cannot question the election on world but they let noagenda and no authority in.
Pic is black.
Banner is Antifa card belonging to a president Eisenhower dated Dec 8, 1941.
A better breeze
I thought I was too old to figure out another social media website, but here goes nothing…
Opinions My Own | Higher Ed Admissions/Enrollment Management | Slate Guru | Will Work 4 Books | 🐾 ❤️ | Sci Fi Geek | NoCo | Houston Ex-Pat | 🇨🇦❤️ | Rice U / CUB | [url=https://mstdn.social/@MistyAtBoulder]@MistyAtBoulder[/url] on Twitter
Vegan. Reader. Animal guardian and advocate living in the temperate rain forest of spectacular Vancouver Island. Energy follows attention.
Old Gamer Watching the Whole World Being Suicidal.
Just because we can, doesn't mean we should.
[url=https://mastodon.social/tags/EatTheRich]#EatTheRich[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/LifeFeedsOnLife]#LifeFeedsOnLife[/url]
[url=https://mastodon.social/tags/TheBeautifulGreen]#TheBeautifulGreen[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/LaBelleVerte]#LaBelleVerte[/url]
Chris Henrick
Oakland, CA based human, design engineer, cyclist, & drummer. Digs accessibility, inclusive design, data viz, music, and maps & Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
Header photo is a stylized terrain web map by Stamen Design of the East Bay area (including Oakland of course) that I helped design and create.
Fictionist. Occasional scold.
Interested in the history of American fascism.
Was once mistaken for a Pisces.
We are all earthlings. Let’s not f*ck up our home or each other.
Medicare For all. Vote by Mail for every state. [url=https://mas.to/tags/SAFEact]#SAFEact[/url] [url=https://mas.to/tags/VoteBlue]#VoteBlue[/url] [url=https://mas.to/tags/LGBTQally]#LGBTQally[/url] #[url=https://mas.to/tags/FireDeJoy]#FireDeJoy[/url] [url=https://mas.to/tags/MaskUp]#MaskUp[/url]
Carlos Gonzalez Diaz
Researcher and Programmer. All things [url=https://masto.ai/tags/AI]#AI[/url], [url=https://masto.ai/tags/GameDev]#GameDev[/url], [url=https://masto.ai/tags/VR]#VR[/url] and [url=https://masto.ai/tags/Science]#Science[/url]
iggiPhD Candidate, vision_claire R2 Member, BAFTAConnect2022
Prev MSFTResearchCam, PlaystationR&D
🤓IML for VR controls, creating interactml.com
ErosBlog Bacchus
The sex blog of record since 2002. Still going strong after all these years! Not the first sex blogger, very possibly the stubbornest. He/him
Dad, Husband, Software Engineering Manager, [url=https://fosstodon.org/tags/SRE]#SRE[/url]. Love [url=https://fosstodon.org/tags/Music]#Music[/url], [url=https://fosstodon.org/tags/Books]#Books[/url], [url=https://fosstodon.org/tags/Photography]#Photography[/url], [url=https://fosstodon.org/tags/Synthesizers]#Synthesizers[/url]. Coldbrew Advocate. FOSS enthusiast. Luddite. Feral Leftist. He/Him. [url=https://fosstodon.org/tags/nobot]#nobot[/url] [url=https://fosstodon.org/tags/noindex]#noindex[/url] [url=https://fosstodon.org/tags/noai]#noai[/url]
john r red-horse
Resident of rural Tijeras, New Mexico. Lover of skiing, biking, mountaineering, and good beer! Unapologetic re-stater of the obvious with an overtone of snark.
Portlander Oregonian [url=https://mas.to/tags/Twittermigration]#Twittermigration[/url]
[url=https://mas.to/tags/Demcast]#Demcast[/url] [url=https://mas.to/tags/Gunsense]#Gunsense[/url] [url=https://mas.to/tags/Climate]#Climate[/url] [url=https://mas.to/tags/Democracy]#Democracy[/url] [url=https://mas.to/tags/ProChoice]#ProChoice[/url]
Mariel García-Montes
IHTFP. Sociotechnical researcher on privacy and surveillance, digital rights, youth and media, trust and safety. 40% thinker and 60% doer at MIT HASTS, Data + Feminism, and Berkman Klein, though my posts do not represent them.
CW: My feed is political and I won’t CW the posts within fields listed above, but will CW other sensitive content.
[url=https://disabled.social/tags/ActuallyAutistic]#ActuallyAutistic[/url], PTSD, metastatic cancer, Ohioan, if someone finds my executive function please return it.
Crowdsourced 2025 motto: Come at me. I dare you.
White cishet femme (she/her) but doing my best to center more marginalized perspectives.
Avatar: a photo of ghost pipe flowers
Header: a photo of trees, trunks in shadow, top branches bare of leaves, bathed in red-gold light
Nearly Normal Norm
Phaemons dog was right.
Old Fart suffering from various chronic incurable conditions including a predeliction for satire.
Modern day Thersites.
Mostly harmless.
Renee Remains the Same
This is my fun alternate account. Good news. Funny things. Pretty things. Maybe some spooky things (cause Halloween is my favorite holiday.)
Not much politics here (but some might bleed through.)
I follow back but I block nonsense swiftly and I won’t follow back if your profile pic is absent or your account is empty. (Sorry)
Interests in bio.
25 year Recording Engineer and former A1 Technical Director. Neurodivergent. Currently working but barely breaking even so any financial donations would be greatly appreciated. See Below.
If you podcast or make videos, I can help make your audio better. I have the tools and knowledge to sweeten your audio so it plays very consistently clearly and loudly. Hit me up.
Donations can be made to:
Paypal: 'ricardus @ sdf . org'
Venmo: Ricardus-W
Jake in the desert
Death to fascists.
Sometimes I write at
Into nature, science, history, movies, music, video games, other kinds of art. Married. Living on Hohokam land.
Black/trans lives matter. He/Him.
Bigotry = block.
[url=https://c.im/tags/indieweb]#indieweb[/url] [url=https://c.im/tags/weirdweb]#weirdweb[/url] [url=https://c.im/tags/punk]#punk[/url] [url=https://c.im/tags/metal]#metal[/url] [url=https://c.im/tags/cats]#cats[/url] [url=https://c.im/tags/roguelikes]#roguelikes[/url] [url=https://c.im/tags/arcadegames]#arcadegames[/url] [url=https://c.im/tags/shootemups]#shootemups[/url] [url=https://c.im/tags/horror]#horror[/url] [url=https://c.im/tags/movies]#movies[/url] [url=https://c.im/tags/tv]#tv[/url] [url=https://c.im/tags/photography]#photography[/url] [url=https://c.im/tags/punkrock]#punkrock[/url] [url=https://c.im/tags/garagerock]#garagerock[/url] [url=https://c.im/tags/deathmetal]#deathmetal[/url] [url=https://c.im/tags/writing]#writing[/url] [url=https://c.im/tags/blogging]#blogging[/url] [url=https://c.im/tags/fedi22]#fedi22[/url] tfr
Beauford A. Stenberg
Passions: [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/Omnism]#Omnism[/url], [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/Theurgy]#Theurgy[/url] & [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/Trance]#Trance[/url] induction & modalities. Writing two books: a work on [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/Runes]#Runes[/url], subsuming all [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/runesets]#runesets[/url] & their historical instantiations & employ, & contemporary oracular & magico-intentional applications; & a dedicated work on [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/shellscripting]#shellscripting[/url], particularly in its [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/UNIX]#UNIX[/url] & *NIX historicity, & evolutes, & contemporary developments, implementations & implications, focusing in particular on [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/bash]#bash[/url] & [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/zsh]#zsh[/url]. I am a [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/Sanskrit]#Sanskrit[/url] & [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/Tibetan]#Tibetan[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/liturgist]#liturgist[/url]. I embrace the eternal child within.
Tim B
Tired [url=https://topspicy.social/tags/electronics]#electronics[/url] engineer
Still love music
Nice and nerdy.
Childhood [url=https://topspicy.social/tags/FSGS]#FSGS[/url] leading to a
Kidney transplant in 1995
Probably am harder than your husband, you can blame Frank for that little Joke.
Joseph Kehoe☑️
Cyborg-Zombie and Lecturer in Computing