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We have 360943 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 360943 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert.Sort bySortieren nach Name Handle Location Newest Oldest
L’Etat C’est Moi
Feminist.Liberal.Voter. | Don’t agonize, organize.-Flo Kennedy | [url=https://mstdn.party/tags/ResistInsistPersistEnlist]#ResistInsistPersistEnlist[/url] | Our human rights and nothing less. | [url=https://mstdn.party/tags/Prochoice]#Prochoice[/url] [url=https://mstdn.party/tags/BLM]#BLM[/url] [url=https://mstdn.party/tags/Antiracism]#Antiracism[/url] [url=https://mstdn.party/tags/Ukraine]#Ukraine[/url] [url=https://mstdn.party/tags/Union]#Union[/url] [url=https://mstdn.party/tags/TwitterMigration]#TwitterMigration[/url] [url=https://mstdn.party/tags/DemCast]#DemCast[/url] [url=https://mstdn.party/tags/Democracy]#Democracy[/url]
We are one.
Ossington The Bear
Yes, I am a real teddy bear. My pet human is crowgirl@hachyderm.io
I don't like it when humans spread the plague. I don't like it when humans deny COVID.
I like life in bed in my HEPA filtered skycave, AC/DC, my wife Amelia Bearhart, and humans who wear respirators in public.
Internet cuddles!
Swampwitch about town
Meaty Ogre White Mage
Always learning. Jack of all trades, master of none. Java Developer trying to strike the proper balance between Dunning-Kruger and imposter syndrome.
Y'know how they say, "Never bring a knife to a gunfight"? Turns out, that's not the only time knives are dangerous. They're also dangerous in the hands of a surgeon when that surgeon knows you have cancer in your face.
Located in Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Interested in [url=https://toot.community/tags/watches]#watches[/url] [url=https://toot.community/tags/wristwatches]#wristwatches[/url] [url=https://toot.community/tags/socialjustice]#socialjustice[/url] [url=https://toot.community/tags/fountainpens]#fountainpens[/url] [url=https://toot.community/tags/linux]#linux[/url] and running my own [url=https://toot.community/tags/mastodon]#mastodon[/url] instance. Also [url=https://toot.community/tags/infosec]#infosec[/url] although I'm no expert. Let's throw in a bit of [url=https://toot.community/tags/Paganism]#Paganism[/url] & [url=https://toot.community/tags/magick]#magick[/url] now & then although I'm rusty.
Esperanto speaker and teacher. Traveller. Dad. Cyclist. Linguist. Activist. Born at 330ppm. UK-based.
Pete Orrall (defunct account)
Due to ongoing problems with the Universeodon instance, I have moved to [url=https://mastodon.social/@peteorrall]@peteorrall[/url].
I do not check notifications here.
matthew (NB0X)
Electrical Engineer, Systems Engineer, ASIC/FPGA Design
Astronomy - Music - Aviation - Ham Radio
QTH New Mexico
Kirk Smith
🍞 Meandering midwesterner interested in appropriate technology, open-source hardware, co-ops (of all kinds), solidarity economy, and that sort of thing.
🎓 Electrochemical research engineer academically focused on flow batteries and electrolysis
📍 Based in Paris, France
🐣 Grew up across the Mississippi River from Cahokia Mounds
🏕️ Washed-up distance runner, bikelife, getting off-grid
🏴 In the lower left of the political compass
David 🏳️🌈🇵🇸 he/they
"If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world."
- J.R.R. Tolkien
"'I wish it need not have happened in my time,' said Frodo.
'So do I,' said Gandalf, 'and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.'"
- J.R.R. Tolkien
"All we are saying is Give Peace A Chance."
- John Lennon
"We don’t have to rewind anymore so let’s all just be kind."
- Me
Living on the North American prairie - one of the most endangered ecosystems on Earth. Twenty million years old - this prairie state o' mine. 🏴 🏴☠️ 319.08 ppm. Local Guide to SoIL wild spaces and forgotten places. Nature is the cure
Humanist Misanthrope. Professional Cat Herder. Sleep Enthusiast. Bibliophile. Fur Father 🐕🐕🐈.
Adam van Sertima
Tries to be helpful. Maker/Thinker. Qualia-tative methods/Research-Creation theories. He/They. Tiohtià:ke(Montréal, QC)
Av Me, heavily processed. Title banner: Cherry tomatoes which I grew.
Considerably more Curious than Callow.
Scientist, adventurer, father
Still missing my adopted homeland in Finland
Here's the quick version, I'll have an [url=https://infosec.exchange/tags/introduction]#introduction[/url] post completed shortly and my fields filled out as well.
[url=https://infosec.exchange/tags/Manjaro]#Manjaro[/url] older [url=https://infosec.exchange/tags/Lenovo]#Lenovo[/url] and [url=https://infosec.exchange/tags/FOSS]#FOSS[/url] ftw.
Well left of center, all of the privileges I have are the same that everyone else on the planet should have. There is no scarcity or other valid reason not to share evenly.
[url=https://infosec.exchange/tags/CentralIllinois]#CentralIllinois[/url] [url=https://infosec.exchange/tags/Illinois]#Illinois[/url] resident looking to get more locally involved in good [url=https://infosec.exchange/tags/causes]#causes[/url] - [url=https://infosec.exchange/tags/politics]#politics[/url] [url=https://infosec.exchange/tags/union]#union[/url] [url=https://infosec.exchange/tags/housing]#housing[/url] and related.
He/him, though I won't get bent out of shape over it, as long as you're respectful. Mid-40s IT pro with experience ranging from desktop support for complex programs to large cloud deployments.
[url=https://infosec.exchange/tags/FuckNazis]#FuckNazis[/url] [url=https://infosec.exchange/tags/EqualRights]#EqualRights[/url] [url=https://infosec.exchange/tags/Ally]#Ally[/url] [url=https://infosec.exchange/tags/MPNCA]#MPNCA[/url]
Toyed with running a single-user instance for myself over the course of a few months, and it just wasn't worthwhile for the value I received.
It's me! Still bi, still married. Still white and anti-whiteness (feel free to ask about that). Originally this was an alt account, then my main instance went down. Idk.
Header: still from "Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn)" where Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie) says, "Run, Piggy, Run!" (She's attacking a police station.)
Avi: a high-contrast edited selfie where my face is covered by a two-tone blue scarf, large amber sunglasses, and a dark blue tuque.
Old kat doing new kat things
Trenton Hoshiko | Filmmaker
I love hearing peoples' stories & learning from others! I post/boost a WIDE variety of topics that interest me - see below & pinned posts.
Filmmaker | Cinematographer | Photographer | Creative Entrepreneur | Traveler | Self-Labeled As Funny
(Non-'Professional' Posts)
WORK/PROJECTS: Modern Icon Media & Cinistream
Located in Northern Colorado
Interested In:
[url=https://mas.to/tags/Filmmaking]#Filmmaking[/url] [url=https://mas.to/tags/Cinematography]#Cinematography[/url] [url=https://mas.to/tags/VideoEditing]#VideoEditing[/url] [url=https://mas.to/tags/Photography]#Photography[/url] [url=https://mas.to/tags/Art]#Art[/url] [url=https://mas.to/tags/Advertising]#Advertising[/url] [url=https://mas.to/tags/Equity]#Equity[/url] [url=https://mas.to/tags/Tech]#Tech[/url] [url=https://mas.to/tags/Entrepreneurship]#Entrepreneurship[/url] [url=https://mas.to/tags/Business]#Business[/url] [url=https://mas.to/tags/Indiefilm]#Indiefilm[/url]
[url=https://mastodon.social/tags/GenX]#GenX[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/autistic]#autistic[/url] farmer, w/no farm, a [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/baker]#baker[/url] w/no bakery, a [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/homesteader]#homesteader[/url] w/no "home", and am here from a full life of "WTF? How can any of this be ffr?"
Currently stuck in a small room, in a shitty suburb near Houston, TX
We ARE "The People", and we CAN take back OUR world from the ghouls and psychopaths who keep us in chains...
Banner: A "Capitalism Isn't Working" banner from Occupy, maybe
PFP: A sick and dying bald eagle, looking like it's on drugs, symbolic of the "USA"
MugsysRapSheet 🔩🐑🐘
Formerly [url=https://mastodon.social/@MugsysRapSheet]@MugsysRapSheet[/url] on Twitter. Historian. Setting the record straight when Conservatives try to rewrite history... with a touch of humor & plenty of (unavoidable) sarcasm. 😜
Jason Wehmhoener
[url=https://post.lurk.org/tags/farmer]#farmer[/url] [url=https://post.lurk.org/tags/artist]#artist[/url] [url=https://post.lurk.org/tags/musician]#musician[/url] [url=https://post.lurk.org/tags/designer]#designer[/url]
Header image: closeup of pink and white flower petals
Avatar: portrait of Jason Wehmhoener holding Delphine, a Great Pyrenees dog, when she was just a few weeks old