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We have 361082 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 361082 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert.Sort bySortieren nach Name Handle Location Newest Oldest
Nicolas Goñi
Arrantza ikertzailea, baratzezaina: janari kontuak mundu gero eta aurreikusezinagoan.
339 ppm zeudenean jaioa.
Fisheries scientist, gardener: food issues in an increasingly unpredictable world.
Born at 339 ppm.
Wstydzę się tego, jak bardzo jestem przesiąknięty dorastaniem w patriarchacie. Wewnątrz mnie są dwa wilki - jeden jest przepełniony współczuciem dla towarzyszy niedoli, drugi jest mizantropem. Chciałbym nawiązać kontakt z osobami o podobnych zainteresowaniach.
Queer mixed 31yo. Fascinated with fungi, plants, bugs, music, video games, illustration, and butts. Artist.
The header is a variety of mushrooms arranged prettily. There's a purple cortinarius, some hen & shrimp of the woods on a maroon bandana. My profile pic is my face.
Free Palestine🇵🇸
M. Ní Sídach
Motto: “Pursue Truth Before Comfort”
She, Her 🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈🖖🏾🖖🏽🖖🏼
[url=https://sfba.social/tags/ACE]#ACE[/url] [url=https://sfba.social/tags/ActuallyAutistic]#ActuallyAutistic[/url] [url=https://sfba.social/tags/MXLinux]#MXLinux[/url] [url=https://sfba.social/tags/MIDI]#MIDI[/url]
Eldar-Orphan, Technomage, Storyteller, Musician, Hacker, Maker
— 🌹Anti-Technofeudal, Cooperative Capitalist, Advocate for Prefigurative Social & Technological Innovation in Arts, Sciences, and Engineering.
[url=https://sfba.social/tags/CA]#CA[/url] [url=https://sfba.social/tags/SFBA]#SFBA[/url] [url=https://sfba.social/tags/EastBay]#EastBay[/url] [url=https://sfba.social/tags/Berkeley]#Berkeley[/url]
Punk Metal n Bowie
Art and music lover. News junkie. She/her. Disabled
Some interests:
Just my toots
BIPOC, LGBTQIA+ And DISABLED lives matter.
Avitar is a background of sunlit clouds. Foreground is colorful wildflowers in front of pine trees and a sunrise.
Mary Austin
Trying my best to pay it forward.
Be kind, it matters.
Woman of a certain age. 🏳️🌈
Happy places; on the bike, in the woods, with the dog.
Art and nature
Paul Stubblebine
retired mastering engineer, currently label honcho of The Tape Project. Strength: my magnetic personality. Weakness: chocolate
1: think really hard 2: nap 3: repeat ad nauseam n: treat nausea with friends, laughter, food n+1: cognition mid-laugh. 333ppm.
Once was [url=https://twitter.com/verbman]https://twitter.com/verbman[/url]
Always ADHD
Juho Kaivosoja
DI / M. Sc. (tech.). Works with 5G at
Aalto University. Dual citizen (🇫🇮🇦🇺). FCK NZS.
Jazz Rabbit 🐇🏳️⚧️
(It isn't mad science, there's no control group)
🏳️⚧️ Xennial TransLater Lagomorph 🐇
I create beautiful things that make people smile. Cybernetic will-o-wisp mother and peripatetic design hacker.
“Miyazaki of Borg” Queen.
Trash Witch of these here woods.
Stop the genocide in Palestine.
Black Lives Matter.
If you own a Gadsden flag we can’t be friends.
Follow requests will be vibe checked but I’m easy.
Adam Moe
Music, enjoyments, and other oddities, and I’m generally on the way to a gig.
I'd follow me if I were you. You'll kick yourself later if you miss out.
Minnesota, USA
[url=https://c.im/tags/songwriting]#songwriting[/url] [url=https://c.im/tags/minnesotamusic]#minnesotamusic[/url] [url=https://c.im/tags/fiddle]#fiddle[/url] [url=https://c.im/tags/tenorguitar]#tenorguitar[/url] [url=https://c.im/tags/classiccountry]#classiccountry[/url] [url=https://c.im/tags/livemusic]#livemusic[/url] [url=https://c.im/tags/horrornovels]#horrornovels[/url] [url=https://c.im/tags/horrorfilms]#horrorfilms[/url] [url=https://c.im/tags/giggingmusician]#giggingmusician[/url]
The Goode King
Retired Enterprise Resources Planning consultant and CPA. Semi-retired bass player for a Ska/Reggae/New Wave cover band. Sailor. Occasional carpenter and diesel-engine-fixer. House-cat servant.
Volunteer election worker since 2018.
Without hand counting of all paper ballots, whoever controls the counting computers controls the outcome.
Vesna Manojlović
Community Builder / hacker / mother / artist / feminist / activist / émigré / Yugosaurus / in NL / she|her
Writer. Feminist. Pro-Abortion. Environmentalist. AntiFascist. AntiRacist. AntiGenocide. BLM. Born at 318.43 ppm. Childfree. Retired Cat Lady. Bad movie connoisseur. She/her. "Watch out for snakes."
Header: tree-covered mountains on an overcast day
Avatar: bullfrog hiding amongst patches of water lettuce.
Rusty Broadsword 🏳️🌈
Fat and furious 🏳️🌈🐻✊
Stockholm 🇸🇪
Already enhanced to maximum level 🤷
🤦 Also ‘boner’ has nothing to do with dicks, and I don’t know why you’d even think it might.
🎶Well I’m running down the road tryin’ to loosen my load I've got Coleman Francis on my mind. 🎵
I once ate at 100 different pizza joints in a year.
Mariners and Pirates baseball, music, books, movies, [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/RipCity]#RipCity[/url] and outdoors are my thingamabob
Moby MicroDick
[Bannière par @phineasfrogg : sur un fond noir est écrit en dégradé de rose à orange « queer crip ».]
*** en congé à durée indéterminée des réseaux sociaux web (best choice ever!) ***
Handi tétraplégique autonomiste & fondamentalement queer. Ayant importé en France en 2004 la notion de [url=https://piaille.fr/tags/validisme]#validisme[/url]. Considère que le patriarcat fermente dans l'hétéronormalité.
Et bien sûr [url=https://piaille.fr/tags/Autod%C3%A9fenseSanitaire]#AutodéfenseSanitaire[/url].
Dans la prochaine vie bossera sur le @louisemichel@kolektiva.soci.
One of eight billion. Header image is Calm Ocean from the California Ocean Protection Council. It portrays calm, glassy waves in light to very light blues.
Marcos Gutierrez
Soy científico en www.tablet-school.com, me encanta leer la Sagrada Biblia y jugar ajedrez.
I am a scientist at www.tablet-school.com, I love to read the Holy Bible and to play chess.
James Sayer
Here to make all your dreams come true.
Author of "Chasing Ghosts: And Other Reflections", Creator and Host of the podcast "The Breakdown with James Sayer", Policy Analyst, Project Management and Instructional Design Consultant, and lunatic hiker. [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/LiberalSocialDemocracyForever]#LiberalSocialDemocracyForever[/url]