We have 361435 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 361435 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert. Sort bySortieren nachNameHandleLocationNewestOldest
Me gusta: :chick_blush:
Tomar mate y tereré.🧉
Los trenes. 🚂
Veganismo. :chick_frog:
Antiespecismo. :chick_knife_devious:
Pvnk y esas cosas.
Aveces tomo fotos.
Una de mis actividades favoritas es estar tirada a guata pelá tomando tereré. :chick_plane_right:
Le echo ganas para aprender de software libre.
tengo una cuenta en @vegansite
"And he shall judge between the nations and reprove many peoples, and they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks; nation shall not lift the sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore." Yeshayahu 2:4
from the river to the sea
bijî jineolojî
a lifetime of rage for every soul forgotten and oppressed
living on stolen Tunica land
if you think rapists need "restorative justice" and "empathy", you're gonna have a bad time here
Sailor | 25 | they/them
UMass Amherst - Social Thought and Political Economy | Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies | Community Scholars Program
Autistic | Gay | Trans
There is no liberation without collective struggle. There is no collective struggle without solidarity. There is no solidarity without reciprocity.
When I'm not doing school or activism stuff I like to play tabletop roleplaying games and video games. I'm also into crochet.
Cat dad and aspiring plant dad
Update now I understand a bit better. I'm a 60 year old Vegan, like running and gym, love climbing and surfing in the sun. Play football with younger semi pros.
I've lived in my self build campervan for 4 years with no YouTube channel or blog, totally self sufficient working class guy. Im an unpaid carer for my dying mum and don't claim benefits. My political beliefs hover between anarchism and Marxism