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We have 363308 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 363308 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert.Sort bySortieren nach Name Handle Location Newest Oldest
Colin D. Wren
Professor of Archaeology @UCCS. Computational Palaeolithic archaeologist (yes that's a thing). Agent-based Modelling, GIS, Quantitative analysis, [url=https://fediscience.org/tags/rstats]#rstats[/url]. Working on Python...
Anarchy How
‣ professor of religious studies and philosophy at a small Midwest community college
‣ leftist Christian
‣ CPTSD survivor who tends to escapes into Star Trek
‣ all assertions are good-faith best guesses.
‣ awaiting further instructions
‣ he/him
Randal Hale (He/Him)
Owner/Operator of North River Geographic Systems, Inc. Work with QGIS, PostGIS, Geoserver and a host of other FOSS4G software. Located in the United States-> Tennessee -> Chattanooga.
Maria Abreu
Professor of Economic Geography, University of Cambridge. My research is on labour markets, migration, urban planning, and regional policy. I'm also Fellow of Pembroke College and Chair of RSAI-BIS. My family is Cuban/German, but I was born in England and grew up in Venezuela. I love photography and baking, and have a crazy cocker spaniel called Fonzie.
Alex Singleton
Professor of Geographic Information Science ; Geographic Data Science Lab; University of Liverpool
[url=https://mapstodon.space/tags/fedi22]#fedi22[/url] [url=https://mapstodon.space/tags/GIS]#GIS[/url] [url=https://mapstodon.space/tags/UrbanAnalytics]#UrbanAnalytics[/url] [url=https://mapstodon.space/tags/geodemographics]#geodemographics[/url] [url=https://mapstodon.space/tags/geographicdatascience]#geographicdatascience[/url] [url=https://mapstodon.space/tags/spatialdatascience]#spatialdatascience[/url]
Ondřej Kolín
Czech expat living in Berlin, constantly dragged back home and to opensource software, mostly to GNOME
AJ Wray
PhD Candidate, Geography & Environment, Western University. RPP Candidate. Healthy Communities. Parks & Rec. GIScience. Salzburg Global Seminar Fellow. President, Town and Gown Association of Ontario.
[spɪnʼfɔcɭ] Arbeiten an der Reise nach dem Mond.
Human Geographer, ECR
Julian Brigstocke
I teach Human Geography at Cardiff University. My interests revolve around cities, authority, power, and aesthetics. I am particularly interested in experimental forms of academic writing, and creative and participatory methods.
I also occasionally find time for gardening/allotment, photography, music (piano & cello), and learning Portuguese.
Barney Harris
Research Fellow at Bournemouth University Institute for the Modelling of Socio-Environmental Transitions (IMSET)
Working on 'Comparative Legacies of Human Land Use in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest', joint project with University of Goettingen & Max Planck Institute.
Tootin' about [url=https://sciences.social/tags/archaeology]#archaeology[/url], [url=https://sciences.social/tags/FOSS]#FOSS[/url], [url=https://sciences.social/tags/geospatial]#geospatial[/url], [url=https://sciences.social/tags/rstats]#rstats[/url], [url=https://sciences.social/tags/music]#music[/url], [url=https://sciences.social/tags/skateboarding]#skateboarding[/url] and (occasionally) [url=https://sciences.social/tags/politics]#politics[/url].
[url=https://sciences.social/tags/bristol]#bristol[/url] [url=https://sciences.social/tags/bournemouth]#bournemouth[/url]
Gideon Tups
PhD in Geography / Researching infrastructures, agrarian change & synthetic fertilizer / Member of the @CRC228 / Born@351 ppm
Dr. Justin
🎓🌍 Géographe et citoyen du monde
🪈 flûtiste
Sciences sociales, Écologie et biens communs
« L'utopie est la vérité de demain » Victor Hugo
Docteur en géographie
Né à 361.3 ppm CO2
co-président de [url=https://social.sciences.re/@rechercheutopique]@rechercheutopique[/url]
Damné de l' [url=https://social.sciences.re/tags/ESR]#ESR[/url] [url=https://social.sciences.re/tags/SHS]#SHS[/url] [url=https://social.sciences.re/tags/G%C3%A9ographie]#Géographie[/url] [url=https://social.sciences.re/tags/%C3%89nergie]#Énergie[/url] [url=https://social.sciences.re/tags/SocialSciences]#SocialSciences[/url] [url=https://social.sciences.re/tags/Geography]#Geography[/url] [url=https://social.sciences.re/tags/Energy]#Energy[/url] [url=https://social.sciences.re/tags/Commons]#Commons[/url] [url=https://social.sciences.re/tags/PoliticalGeology]#PoliticalGeology[/url] [url=https://social.sciences.re/tags/TeamESR]#TeamESR[/url]
Ma veille : [url=https://social.sciences.re/tags/VeilleESR]#VeilleESR[/url] [url=https://social.sciences.re/tags/Geoveille]#Geoveille[/url]
Compte personnel, n'engage pas mon employeur.
Darrell Carvalho
An Aspiring [url=https://mapstodon.space/tags/Geographer]#Geographer[/url] with an interest in [url=https://mapstodon.space/tags/GIS]#GIS[/url] and [url=https://mapstodon.space/tags/Geovisualization]#Geovisualization[/url] in R. Other areas of passion include: [url=https://mapstodon.space/tags/Urbanism]#Urbanism[/url] [url=https://mapstodon.space/tags/WorldHistory]#WorldHistory[/url] [url=https://mapstodon.space/tags/Emotions]#Emotions[/url] [url=https://mapstodon.space/tags/Mobilities]#Mobilities[/url] [url=https://mapstodon.space/tags/PublicTransit]#PublicTransit[/url] and [url=https://mapstodon.space/tags/QualitativeMethods]#QualitativeMethods[/url]
Sango Mahanty
[url=https://aus.social/tags/Geography]#Geography[/url] [url=https://aus.social/tags/PoliticalEcology]#PoliticalEcology[/url] [url=https://aus.social/tags/toxicity]#toxicity[/url] [url=https://aus.social/tags/rupture]#rupture[/url] [url=https://aus.social/tags/Cambodia]#Cambodia[/url] [url=https://aus.social/tags/Vietnam]#Vietnam[/url] | ANU Crawford School | live between Ngunnawal/Ngambri and Djiringanj lands | Drummer 🥁| my own views
| The banner image of a family cutting and drying cassava in Northeast Cambodia by my friend Prem Chap is also on the cover of [url=https://aus.social/tags/UnsettledFrontiers]#UnsettledFrontiers[/url]: [url=https://www.cornellpress.cornell.edu/book/9781501761485/unsettled-frontiers/#bookTabs=1]https://www.cornellpress.cornell.edu/book/9781501761485/unsettled-frontiers/#bookTabs=1[/url]
P.-O. Mazagol
Géomatique, Cartes, 3D, patrimoines et paysages engloutis (ou non) / Geomatics, Maps, 3D, sunken (or not) landscape and cultural heritages / (e)Space & Fiction / [url=https://mapstodon.space/tags/EVS]#EVS[/url] / [url=https://mapstodon.space/tags/UJM]#UJM[/url] / [url=https://mapstodon.space/tags/Geonum]#Geonum[/url]
spatial stats @ esri
[url=https://mapstodon.space/tags/rstats]#rstats[/url] power nerd
wannabe [url=https://mapstodon.space/tags/rustacean]#rustacean[/url]
David Parr 🌎 🌐 ☕ 📊
Geographer, GIS educator, (map) creator, coffee drinker.
I am currently a Teaching Assistant Professor of Spatial Data Science in the Department of Geography and the Environment at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I live in Hillsborough, North Carolina.
I'm interested in SoTL, particularly as it applies to GIS and online learning, developing earth data science skills in students, and aspects of spatial data in social media and online spaces.
Live your joy.
I'm a GIS enthusiast with an interest in geography, opendata, real estate markets, urban development and cycling. This is my private account.
Marion Werner
Economic/feminist geographer; food politics; trade; labor. Working on political economy of generic pesticides. All views my own
Oliver Wesp
Geographer with a strong dedication to geoinformatics. GIS expert [url=https://bahn.social/@dbsystel]@dbsystel[/url]
Justin Jackson
⚡ Interested in bootstrapping, podcasting, calm companies, business ethics, better life 🎙️ Co-founder of Transistor.fm (podcast hosting)
designer | researcher wanna-be | life decoder
a newly graduate from landscape architecture
just began exploring in digital visual studies & human geography, slowly unlocking more in this world >>>
I opted not to capitalize my name.
I post in english in this instance but I also speak and write mandarin.
I draw, I write, I photograph.
I never chose geospatial, geospatial chose me...
note: Opinions are my own, you have been warned!
Chartered Geographer with RGS IBG