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sw eng into left politics, history, genre fiction, cooking, etc.
in a previous life i did mac and ios dev. once upon a time i contributed to HandBrake. long before that i was an op on UnderMac under the handle korendil.
i was at ThreatWarrior. now i’m at Insane Cyber.
i used to post on the herald.co.uk mailing list for Mercedes Lackey and lurk on the rec.arts.sf.written.robert-jordan newsgroup. i was on MetaFilter back in the day. reddit and twitter refugee.
Karri Huhtanen has worked about 25 years with wireless and fixed service provider networks, services and security in the service of equipment vendors, service providers and academia. The last 19 years he has led the company founded from Tampere University of Technology to originally productise Wi-Fi network access control and roaming solutions. During his time with the former department of Communications Engineering at Tampere University of Technology Karri has worked with the roaming federations like eduroam and roam.fi from the very beginning and is continuing the work through his company.
Humanist Trek is a weekly #StarTrek podcast about the humanism in Star Trek. Hosted by Sarah Ray 🏳️⚧️👩🏼 and Allie Ashmead ✊🏿👩🏿🦱 Available at http://www.humanisttrek.com and everywhere you replicate your podcasts!
Born in Berkeley California in 1984 as High Frontiers. magazine. Mutated into Reality Hackers in 1988 and MONDO 2000 in 1989. Started coming unglued around 1992. Died horribly in 1998. Current website vaguely active. I'm R.U. Sirius I write collaborate on music and other wise drift with my post-stroke brain (not too bad a stroke mind you) and have a fairly physically isolated existence. I don't know how this thing works...