We have 363701 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 363701 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert. Sort bySortieren nachNameHandleLocationNewestOldest
Cogntive psychologist and game developer. Conceptually leaping towards memorable moments of change. Postdoc at CEA Neurospin, Paris-Saclay. matthewlogie.wordpress.com. Twitter: @MatthewrLogie
Cognitive neuroscientist studying cognitive aging with a focus on memory.
Lab website: https://www.olsenmemorylab.com/
Also interested in running, EDI, dogs, cats, coffee, brain art, and birds.
Experimental Social Psychologist at Aston University 🧠 ; UKRN Local Network Lead 📊; AE of #RegisteredReports for PCI & Addiction Research & Theory 👩🔬
Author of: "A Student's Guide to Open Science: Using the Replication Crisis to Reform Psychology". 📚
Passionate about: #OpenScience#OpenResearch#AddictionScience#SocialCognition (as well as dogs 🐶, coffee ☕️, music 🎶)
Vintage mid-century modern psychologist in Madison, WI, USA, specializing in neuropsychology, health & rehabilitation psychology. Active in healthcare financing reform, especially behavioral health. Mostly opinionated private citizen here, some evidence-informed, some not, you decide which is which. The guiding principle when creating humane health care policy is that we all have the same pre-existing condition.
Studies bad things: the causes of armed conflict and its consequences for civilians
Professor of Political Science, Data Science, & Public Policy at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte
phd candidate at University of Arizona | policy process, bureaucracy, and public engagement in hybrid regimes | from Korat, Thailand | she/they | here to boost your toots #SoutheastAsia#GlobalSouth
Lecturer in Politics, Uni of Manchester. Brit & European elections, public opinion, & gender. Procrastinating with women's sport, cake, cycling & reading all the books. #EFC
Creative professional, scholar, and fitness enthusiast. Harvard ALM -> UCLA PhD Student. Sometimes that guy from that thing. 🇺🇸 🇮🇹 🏳️🌈 (he/him) Interests: #democracy#media#squats
Political Science prof (US health politics/law, public policy, American political economy) at Wheaton College (MA). Writing a book on health insurance denials. Bylines at NY Times, Washington Post, and The Guardian. Columbia PhD. Baseball fiend. Pet parent. Pro-democracy.