Fediverse | Members
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We have 361368 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 361368 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert.Sort bySortieren nach Name Handle Location Newest Oldest
Larena Woodmore
Citizen scientist documenting the biodiversity of a 70 acre bush property in [url=https://theblower.au/tags/Tasmania]#Tasmania[/url], Australia
Vie de Pontarlier
Actualité et animations de la ville de [url=https://framapiaf.org/tags/Pontarlier]#Pontarlier[/url] 🇫🇷 et de ses alentours.
Merzhausen (inoffiziell)
Ich poste automatisch neu erscheinende Artikel auf der "Neuigkeiten"-Seite der Gemeinde Merzhausen.
Vit et travaille en Islande en compagnie de son chat Hypnos.
Parlera de ses divers périples, aussi bien fantastiques qu'ordinaires, en terre de feu et de glace.
Traite souvent de l'actualité volcanique du pays depuis juillet 2023 avec le réveil des systèmes du Reykjanes qui sortent d'une longue pause "Kawa Lava".
Tâchera de vous emmerder le moins possible avec sa vieille passion pour les "japoniaiseries"® (Uma Musume, mangasses, gunpla).
Lífið er leikhús, leikhús er alls staðar...
AK kritische Soziale Arbeit FR
Wir setzten uns kritisch mit aktuellen und politischen Themen der Lehre, Theorie und Praxis der [url=https://freiburg.social/tags/SozialenArbeit]#SozialenArbeit[/url] betreffen, auseinandersetzen. Unser Ziel ist es sich zu diesen Themen auszutauschen, zu positionieren und eigene Stellungnahmen, Fachbeiträge usw. zu veröffentlichen. [url=https://aksfreiburg.wordpress.com/]https://aksfreiburg.wordpress.com/[/url] [url=https://freiburg.social/tags/Freiburg]#Freiburg[/url] [url=https://freiburg.social/tags/SozialeArbeit]#SozialeArbeit[/url] [url=https://freiburg.social/tags/SozialeBewegung]#SozialeBewegung[/url]
[url=https://vermont.masto.host/tags/Altruism]#Altruism[/url] [url=https://vermont.masto.host/tags/Permaculture]#Permaculture[/url], [url=https://vermont.masto.host/tags/EcologicalRestoration]#EcologicalRestoration[/url] [url=https://vermont.masto.host/tags/TreeCrops]#TreeCrops[/url] [url=https://vermont.masto.host/tags/BlackLivesMatter]#BlackLivesMatter[/url] fascinated by [url=https://vermont.masto.host/tags/Rewilding]#Rewilding[/url] wish to be part of creating a just sustainable society believe in the rights of Mother Earth & all her children Vermont/Brazil
The Taoist Online on Medium
This is the official Mastodon account for The Taoist Online - A Medium Publication. Run by chief editor Patrick Stewart
Amateur photographer. Nature lover. Gen X'er. Feminist. Introvert. Typical tree hugging liberal type. Birds, nature, comics, art
She/Her/They, Cisgender, Heterosexual
British Columbia, Canada
❤️🧡💛 💚💜 💙 🤎 🖤 🤍
Duane Aubin
[url=https://mstdn.party/tags/PMP]#PMP[/url] PSM looking for next level opportunity | [url=https://mstdn.party/tags/Flaneur]#Flaneur[/url] | [url=https://mstdn.party/tags/BonVivant]#BonVivant[/url] | [url=https://mstdn.party/tags/TheologicalHumanist]#TheologicalHumanist[/url] | he/him | [url=https://mstdn.party/tags/YYZ]#YYZ[/url] | [url=https://mstdn.party/tags/YYC]#YYC[/url]
Pauliehedron ✅
Been doing IT stuff for a while.
Security / Network Engineer in Chicagoland
Note: Posts auto delete after 3 months.
[url=https://infosec.exchange/tags/NetSec]#NetSec[/url] [url=https://infosec.exchange/tags/NAFO]#NAFO[/url] [url=https://infosec.exchange/tags/FFXIV]#FFXIV[/url] [url=https://infosec.exchange/tags/SWTOR]#SWTOR[/url] [url=https://infosec.exchange/tags/BaldursGate3]#BaldursGate3[/url]
Ria Glas
Actief lid Fietsersbond. Ik wil dat fietsen serieus wordt genomen als vervoermiddel, ook qua infrastructuur. Autodelete toots na 2 weken
Gary Wong
I'm Gary, and I've been on the web one way or another for over quarter of a century, and on Mastodon for two years, and I've never joined centralised social media.
I've lived in [url=https://mastodon.nz/tags/Aotearoa]#Aotearoa[/url] [url=https://mastodon.nz/tags/NewZealand]#NewZealand[/url] and [url=https://mastodon.nz/tags/USA]#USA[/url], and visited various other places. For most of my life I've been a [url=https://mastodon.nz/tags/SystemsProgrammer]#SystemsProgrammer[/url] at a university.
Have trouble fitting thoughts to 500 characters, so omit many words, sorry.
Benjamin Reed
OSS geek • whisky enthusiast • general nerdery • JoCoCruise • I write music as Raccoon Fink + Putrid Shark + The Garages
My artist account is [url=https://musician.social/@RaccoonFink]@RaccoonFink[/url]
Andy Paciorek 💀☕
[url=https://mastodon.social/tags/Artist]#Artist[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/Author]#Author[/url] ♏︎ ^◇^
now it's dark...
ghosts & dreams ~ unheimlich ~ noir ~ beautiful-grotesque ~ art ~ books ~ liminality ~ phantastique ~ anomaly ~ lore ~ pulp flesh ~ high strangeness ~ cinema ~ decay ~ curiosa ~ poetry ~ decadence/symbolist/expressionism ~ mysticism ~ carnivalia ~ melancholia ~ wyrd ~ pathology ~ Thanatos /Eros ~ nature/super-nature ~ feline familiars ~ forteana ~ masks ~ nocturne ~ nostalgia ~ phantasmagoria ~ cathode rays ~ psyche
Brian Kolm
I teach art at Youth Centers, Schools, Libraries and Museums.
I make art too; sometimes whimsical, sometimes strange and fanciful.
Love to cook and playing solo ttRPG games.
Hopefully a decent person.
BronMason For Kamala 2024
60s Hippie who never grew up!✌🏽
I’ve been a Liberal (& as woke as a grandma can be) my whole life, and will die a Liberal.🗽
I’m passionate about preserving democracy and the earth for future generations. 🌎🌲🌳😁
It’s time for us seniors to let the kids take over. We’ve done some good but some of us have really effed up!
For FUN I do ZUMBA! 💃
Image: yard sign reading: “HARRIS OBVIOUSLY”.
Andy Warburton ❌❌❌
[url=https://mastodon.social/tags/maker]#maker[/url] at heart, I love [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/3dprinting]#3dprinting[/url] and tinkering with [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/electronics]#electronics[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/raspberrypi]#raspberrypi[/url] and [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/circuitpython]#circuitpython[/url]. [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/HomeAssistant]#HomeAssistant[/url] nerd who makes custom [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/ESPHome]#ESPHome[/url] devices. British expat living in The Netherlands. Dad of three boys. [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/neurodiverse]#neurodiverse[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/adhd]#adhd[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/audhd]#audhd[/url]
Card carrying member of the [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/SatanicTemple]#SatanicTemple[/url] (and no... it's not what you think, go look it up).
Anchorage Daily News
[url=https://mstdn.social/tags/Alaska]#Alaska[/url] news via 📱💻 🗞 • Pulitzer Prize for Public Service: 1976, 1989, 2020 • See what we're working on at [url=https://www.adn.com]https://www.adn.com[/url] and subscribe at [url=https://checkout.adn.com]https://checkout.adn.com[/url]
Moment Magazine
Celebrating independent Jewish Journalism
[url=https://mastodon.online/tags/Journalism]#Journalism[/url] [url=https://mastodon.online/tags/News]#News[/url] [url=https://mastodon.online/tags/Judaism]#Judaism[/url] [url=https://mastodon.online/tags/Religion]#Religion[/url] [url=https://mastodon.online/tags/Reporting]#Reporting[/url] [url=https://mastodon.online/tags/Politics]#Politics[/url] [url=https://mastodon.online/tags/America]#America[/url] [url=https://mastodon.online/tags/Israel]#Israel[/url] [url=https://mastodon.online/tags/Worldnews]#Worldnews[/url] [url=https://mastodon.online/tags/Literature]#Literature[/url] [url=https://mastodon.online/tags/Arts]#Arts[/url] [url=https://mastodon.online/tags/Culture]#Culture[/url]
THE CITY is the premiere local news site for, by and about New Yorkers; from hard hitting accountability journalism to explainers and guides on how power works across the five boroughs.
Subscribe to our free newsletter: The Scoop and get our stories delivered to your inbox every weekday 🔽
King Arman Tarala
Bro‽ Bro...
Ann Lipton
Law prof at Tulane, business and securities. Profile pic for the job you want, ... etc
You can find my papers here: [url=https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=2365170]https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=2365170[/url]
I also blog regularly at [url=https://www.businesslawprofessors.com/]https://www.businesslawprofessors.com/[/url]
Rick Geissal
Reader/Learner. Sometimes wrong.
Romantic Thinker, Not a Thought Leader
Progressive & Pro-Woman
Ex-lawyer Against Racism & Violence
Not A Number
Software Engineer [url=https://mstdn.social/@GitHub]@GitHub[/url] | Bleeding Heart | Emotionally Exhausted | Lives in Bristol
Phil Williams
Speaking truth to power - and the angry mob. NewsChannel 5 (Nashville) chief investigative reporter. duPont, Peabody awards. Pulitzer finalist. TIPS: phil.williams@newschannel5.com