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We have 359612 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 359612 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert.Sort bySortieren nach Name Handle Location Newest Oldest
Shannon K. Supple ✨
Imaginaria, libraries, archives, history of science, book history, social/environmental justice, music, trees, birds, coffee, funny things | Water creature | mostly on Bsky
Stephen McConnachie
Head of Data and Digital Preservation at the BFI National Archive
Movies Silently (Off-Topic)
Silent films, vintage recipes and whatever else strikes my fancy
More movie-centric content: [url=https://mastodon.social/@moviessilently]https://mastodon.social/@moviessilently[/url]
Dreadnought Holiday
Worse things happen at sea, and frequently do.
If it's horrible and floats it'll wash up here eventually. [url=https://mastodon.me.uk/tags/Histodon]#Histodon[/url]-adjacent (mostly) nautical nonsense.
Thomas Abeltshauser
Freier Autor / Filmjournalist //
freelance writer / film journalist
Bernd Schäfer 🌍 💭
Buchhändler im Ruhrgebiet.
„Humor ist keine Stimmung, sondern eine Weltanschauung.“ - 𝘓𝘶𝘥𝘸𝘪𝘨 𝘞𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘪𝘯
Rachel Shelden
I'm a historian at Penn State where I also direct the [url=https://historians.social/@RichardsCenter]@RichardsCenter[/url] (which supports cutting-edge scholarship on slavery, race, & democracy). I study 19th c. U.S. [url=https://historians.social/tags/Politics]#Politics[/url] especially political culture, constitutionalism, and political networks. I’m currently working on a book about the political lives & activities of [url=https://historians.social/tags/SCOTUS]#SCOTUS[/url] justices in the 19th c. [url=https://historians.social/tags/histodons]#histodons[/url] [url=https://historians.social/tags/historians]#historians[/url] [url=https://historians.social/tags/SCOTUS]#SCOTUS[/url] [url=https://historians.social/tags/history]#history[/url]
Márcia Gonçalves
Historian • [url=https://historians.social/tags/Empire]#Empire[/url], European [url=https://historians.social/tags/Colonialism]#Colonialism[/url], Identities, 19th/20th Centuries • Marie Skłodowska-Curie Fellow at Leiden University Institute for History (but views my own) • European University Institute alumna
Slowly trying to figure out how to navigate this platform...
italianstudies group
I'm a group about italianstudies. Follow me to get all the group posts. Tag me to share with the group. Create other groups by searching for or tagging @yourGroupName@a.gup.pe
Warren Milteer, Jr.
Historian; Author of Beyond Slavery's Shadow: Free People of Color in the South (UNC Press 2021) and North Carolina's Free People of Color, 1715-1885 (LSU Press 2020)
ANPI Brescia centro
Sezione ANPI Caduti di P.zza Rovetta, Brescia.
Siamo anche su Facebook e su Instagram.
English: [url=http://anpibrescia.it/11626-2/]http://anpibrescia.it/11626-2/[/url]
[url=https://sociale.network/tags/Antifa]#Antifa[/url] [url=https://sociale.network/tags/Memoria]#Memoria[/url] [url=https://sociale.network/tags/Resistenza]#Resistenza[/url]
Naunihal Singh
Academic & magpie. Author of a book on coups. Student of Africa, politics. Enthusiast of fashion & food. Bad at introducing myself.
Vinzenz Hediger
Film Studies @goethe_uni / PI contrust.uni-frankfurt.de/en/about-us/ , konfigurationen-des-films.de , @VICTOR_E_HERA and ceditraa.net
Damian Valle
Lecturer in Veterinary Clinical Practice (@UniOfSurrey), MA in MilHis volunteer archivist (@MusMilMed) and sporadic podcaster [url=https://mastodon.online/tags/RegioEsercito]#RegioEsercito[/url] 🇬🇧🇪🇸🇮🇹
Magda Teter
A historian. Author of "Christian Supremacy: Reckoning with the Roots of Antisemitism and Racism" (Princeton 2023); "Blood Libel: On the Trail of an Antisemitic Myth" (Harvard 2020: NJBA 2020; AHA: Mosse 2021; SCS: Bainton 2021); "Sinners on Trial" (Harvard 2011); "Jews and Heretics" (Cambridge 2005).
Fellowships: John Simon Guggenheim, Harry Frank Guggenheim, Radcliffe, Cullman, NEH, et al.
This is my politics-free, scholarly interest account. For politics follow me [url=https://urbanists.social/@MTNYC]@MTNYC[/url]
Radical Right Research Robot
I'm a bot promoting research on the Radical Right in Europe, one t̶w̶e̶e̶t̶ toot at a time. Powered by the Extreme Right Bibliography. Occasionally oiled by [url=https://fediscience.org/@kaiarzheimer]@kaiarzheimer[/url]
Seth Cotlar
History Prof at Willamette University in Salem, Oregon. Working on a book about the long history of the far right in the US.
Longer form writing can also be found here: [url=https://sethcotlar.substack.com/]https://sethcotlar.substack.com/[/url]
Králíci z klobouku
Shitposting post-migrantic potato dumpling | We will rave on Putin's grave!
Colonna Solidale Autogestita
Cosa facciamo:
- "spesa sospesa": raccolta di generi alimentari e prodotti da distribuire a chi ne ha bisogno. Se puoi lascia, se hai bisogno prendi;
- [url=https://mastodon.bida.im/@SpReAd]@SpReAd[/url]: Sportello per il Reddito e l'Autodeterminazione;
- supportiamo lo [url=https://mastodon.bida.im/@spacciopopolareautogestito]@spacciopopolareautogestito[/url]: sperimentiamo una concezione di economia e di società diverse, in cui il fine non è il profitto ma il mutuo aiuto;
- sportello medico telefonico;
- sostegno a iniziative di solidarietà.
Pauline Junginger
PhD student and Research Assistant at Philipps-Universität Marburg | Project: "Aesthetics of Access" (DAVIF) [url=https://fedihum.org/@davif]@davif[/url] | DH, Media Studies, Feminist Film History, Metadata | she/her
Chrysa Katsogridaki
PhD Student in Political Philosophy. Avid Reader. Classic Film Enthusiast.
Janssen Bücher
Buchhandlung Janssen in Bochum - seit über 60 Jahren - die Konstante im Wandel der Stadt. Ruft uns an: 0234/13001
Spazio libero autogestito in via Paolo Fabbri 110 nel rione Cirenaica a Bologna
The Partial Historians
After surviving exposure at birth, these unconventional academics realised they were destined to found the greatest Ancient Roman History podcast! 🏛📯⚔️
Our main series follows the history of Rome from the founding of the city. We also interview scholars and fantastic people about the ancient world.
Dr Rad (she/her) specialises in Spartacus. Dr G (she/her) specialises in the Vestal Virgins.
📍 Dharug and Bidjigal Country.
[url=https://kolektiva.social/tags/Podcast]#Podcast[/url] [url=https://kolektiva.social/tags/Ancient]#Ancient[/url] [url=https://kolektiva.social/tags/Histodon]#Histodon[/url] [url=https://kolektiva.social/tags/Historian]#Historian[/url] [url=https://kolektiva.social/tags/Rome]#Rome[/url] [url=https://kolektiva.social/tags/AncientHistory]#AncientHistory[/url]
Matteo Caronna |maborupa
In passato ho scritto di fumetto e animazione, principalmente di stampo giapponese, e ora minaccio di farlo di nuovo. Terre Illustrate è il nome del blog in cui lo faccio normalmente.