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On this channel it is all about folding boats (german: Faltboote) which are beautiful constructions of a colapsable wooden frame wrapped with a rubbercoated underwater ship and a cotton based deck. You can easily transport folding boats in a train or bus they are very fast on the water and with some care incredibly long lasting. It does not matter if you go for a small one day adventure or a multi day expedition, the folding boat will get you to the places where you want to be. Videos will be released roughly on a monthly shedule with Englisch subtitles. If you don't want to miss one, leave a subscription. If you like a video please leave a thumbs up. This channel is also available on youtube if you don't have a feediverse account: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-W6CCXQ6IgJ7InQb3njrvQ I have at least 12 Videos planned for 2022, one Video per Month. Don't forget to follow this channel!
Усложнять — просто, упрощать — сложно.
Es geht um Deine Daten
"Es geht um Deine Daten" ist ein Kanal rund um Datenschutz, dessen Skandale und einfachen Tipps, wie ich verhindern kann, davon betroffen zu sein. Datenschützer Holger Schott erklärt für Laien, zum Beispiel wie man sich einfach komplizierte Passworte ausdenken - und auch merken kann. Aktuelle Datenschutzaufreger werden in verständlicher Sprache erklärt und die Auswirkungen dargelegt. ... und immer wieder kommen auch Verbraucherschutzthemen zum tragen. Anregungen und Kritik bitte unter info@esgehtumdeinedaten.de
[url=https://skrivel.se/tags/Swedish]#Swedish[/url] nerd of [url=https://skrivel.se/tags/politics]#politics[/url], [url=https://skrivel.se/tags/books]#books[/url], [url=https://skrivel.se/tags/games]#games[/url], [url=https://skrivel.se/tags/stationery]#stationery[/url], [url=https://skrivel.se/tags/photography]#photography[/url] and [url=https://skrivel.se/tags/knitting]#knitting[/url]
Maker of things
★ ♥ ⚢
thfr destroys productivity
[url=https://bsd.network/tags/medicine]#medicine[/url] [url=https://bsd.network/tags/openbsd]#openbsd[/url] [url=https://bsd.network/tags/games]#games[/url] [url=https://bsd.network/tags/playonbsd]#playonbsd[/url] [url=https://bsd.network/tags/clinicalinformatics]#clinicalinformatics[/url]... I hang out on freenode [url=https://bsd.network/tags/openbsd]#openbsd[/url]-gaming. Thoughts and opinions are my own.
OpenBSD gaming
Just playing games while using the OpenBSD operating system. The channel host videos from Mastodon users @solene@bsd.network, @reivyr@bsd.network and @thfr@bsd.network, you can check the playlists to view videos aggregated by people. All the games are running natively, without using an emulator, Wine or Linux compatibility because neither are available on OpenBSD. If you want to learn more about the OpenBSD operating system, please see the official website: https://www.openbsd.org/ Our efforts emphasize portability, standardization, correctness, proactive security and integrated cryptography.
Folk and fantasy artist, craftsperson, tattooist and goth druid; Making music as Ritual Dust, doing illustrations for the Pious Rot TTRPG and messing around with low-tech and sustainable crafts and folklore.
Veronica Olsen 🏳️🌈🇳🇴🌻
Senior Developer at [url=https://mastodon.social/@turtlesec]@turtlesec[/url] ★ High Energy Physics PhD from Uni Oslo and CERN ★ Linux ★ Python ★ Open Source ★ Unicode Unicorn ★ ISO 8601 Enthusiast ★ Consumer of Sci-Fi ★ Hobby Writer ★ Born at 336 ppm CO₂ ★ she/they, Dr.
Open Source: [url=https://novelwriter.io]https://novelwriter.io[/url], [url=https://fosstodon.org/@novelwriter]https://fosstodon.org/@novelwriter[/url]
(Banner image from Wallpaper Access)
Lori, das ViennaWriter's Schaf
Hallo, ich bin Lori. Ich mag Kuchen und Schokolade und bin gerne auf Chaosevents und Autor:innen-veranstaltungen unterwegs. Waghalsige Experimente mag ich auch.
The world’s most popular network protocol analyzer. [url=https://wireshark.org]https://wireshark.org[/url]
Art is Fun, Science is Boring
[url=https://ludosphere.fr/tags/videogames]#videogames[/url] [url=https://ludosphere.fr/tags/jrpg]#jrpg[/url] [url=https://ludosphere.fr/tags/rpg]#rpg[/url] [url=https://ludosphere.fr/tags/screenshots]#screenshots[/url] [url=https://ludosphere.fr/tags/OST]#OST[/url] [url=https://ludosphere.fr/tags/VGM]#VGM[/url]
ma curation Spotify pour des OST relax and chill :
old pouets: [url=https://mamot.fr/web/@Chat2Gouttieres]https://mamot.fr/web/@Chat2Gouttieres[/url]
Ὑπατῐ́ᾱ du Bois-Marie
Formal sciences will stand where humanity demands; students and scholars unite,
for the removal of the Chinese Communist Party! 🛜🔑🏴🇹🇼🇺🇦🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️🤝✊🎆
Thomas (K4SWL)
Nick Mathewson
Working on privacy and other things.
Whatever the opposite of an influencer is.
No bigots please; I am not your kind of person.
Michi SöÖg
Unsinn, Sechzig, Kajak, Antifaschist
Raccoon Girl
Social anxiety raccoon girl creature, too anxious to make posts on mastodon 99% of the time...
📍 Vienna, Austria
💃 she/her
💼 Content Creator
🗣 deutsch, english, español, 🤙(ÖGS)
Adam McCombs
Electron microscopes ❤️ open hardware
Thomas Adam
Style ThomasAdam StartsOnDesk 0, StartsOnPage 0 0, SkipMapping
I maintain/contribute to various projects such as: got, fvwm, tmux, x11cp
User/Contributor/Developer of {Free,Net,Open}BSD as well as Linux.
Avid cryptic crossword solver, especially the Guardian cryptics.
I'm the person behind the cryptic crossword clues on: [url=https://zirk.us/@LearnCrypticCrosswords]https://zirk.us/@LearnCrypticCrosswords[/url]
Ein Blogger, der auszog, das Kochen zu lernen. Und das auch tat. So einigermaßen.
Flipboard Dot Social
Hosted by Flipboard co-founder and CEO Mike McCue, Dot Social is a new podcast and video series spotlighting leaders at the forefront of the open social web movement. Mike and his guests will explore the evolution of the internet and how new open standards, like ActivityPub, can forever change the Web and the world of social media.
Fraktion der Freien Demokraten
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