Fediverse | Members
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We have 359439 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 359439 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert.Sort bySortieren nach Name Handle Location Newest Oldest
Granny, gardener, jewellery-maker, activist
Dave se
Dry Arch Growers
We are a volunteer run cooperative project and community allotment based in Bathampton, in Bath, UK.
Explore our website via the link above to find out more about Dry Arch and ways in which you can get involved.
If you want to visit, please email us first at info@dryarchgrowers.co.uk
Soraya Pepe
🩱 Girl, Woman
🍩 21 years old
♊ Gemini
💼 Shop Servant,
🔮 Indonesia
Short Bio:
Currently working on a contract with a shift system (changing hours and positions as: a Shop Servant, a Cafe Waiter, and Hotel Room Service) at one of the local business owned by the entrepreneur. Freelance job as Girl Model.
I usually post in Indonesian Language, but i post here using English with the help of google translate.
Peter Lewis
Bio in link in bio in link in bio.
Luke John Emmett
Theatre / Event freelancer | Founder of the Theatre Bath Bus & Theatre Bath | Passionate about Bath | Politically homeless | Views my own | [url=https://bath.social/tags/Theatre]#Theatre[/url] [url=https://bath.social/tags/BathUK]#BathUK[/url] [url=https://bath.social/tags/Events]#Events[/url] - also here: lukejohnemmett@mastodon.world
Waterleaze Growers
We are a new collective food growing group off Bailbrook Lane in Batheaston. We have the use of about an acre of beautiful south-facing land on the lower slopes of Solsbury Hill. We are getting the site established to grow vegetables and we can also harvest from the established fruit trees. Everything is grown for our own consumption, it's not a commercial project.
We have space for new members, so please get in touch if you'd like to join us.
soup6020 🇨🇦
Friendly neighborhood Pleroma SysOp, please contact me for any questions or concerns regarding [url=http://nuwardia.xyz]nuwardia.xyz[/url]
Hardware modder / amateur solder monkey
DM me if you need help w/ anything :D
Lewis L. Foster
Ello! I'm 20 and a total nerd, what else is there to say about me
Kit Rhett Aultman
Signs & Codes Founder. I talk a lot about [url=https://signs.codes/tags/ttrpg]#ttrpg[/url] and especially [url=https://signs.codes/tags/WorldOfDarkness]#WorldOfDarkness[/url] ([url=https://signs.codes/tags/WoD]#WoD[/url]), [url=https://signs.codes/tags/ham]#ham[/url] [url=https://signs.codes/tags/radio]#radio[/url], [url=https://signs.codes/tags/edm]#edm[/url], [url=https://signs.codes/tags/retrocomputers]#retrocomputers[/url], and all sorts of [url=https://signs.codes/tags/foss]#foss[/url] stuff, especially systems software.
I'm [url=https://signs.codes/tags/trans]#trans[/url], [url=https://signs.codes/tags/nonbinary]#nonbinary[/url], [url=https://signs.codes/tags/transfeminine]#transfeminine[/url], [url=https://signs.codes/tags/polyamorous]#polyamorous[/url], [url=https://signs.codes/tags/kinky]#kinky[/url], and polymorphously [url=https://signs.codes/tags/queer]#queer[/url].
Smithsonian-exhibited nature photographer. Polartropic. Perturbagenic. Descriptivist. Bayesian. Erdős 4. He/they
jan Tesa
cat floofer 😸🧶
plant smoocher 🌱💚
food cooker 🌮🍲
lang looker 👁️🗨️💬
i beep boop on smol computer
plz, the arts i maek, re-tooter 🔁
I am a non-binary nerd who is deeply interested in the social and biological sciences, costumes, books, and the occasional video game.
big Carrie Fisher energy for chaotic good. there are four lights. she. [url=https://signs.codes/tags/nobot]#nobot[/url]
Fibonacci Bot
Este bot publica la secuencia completa de Fibonacci número a número cada 6 horas.
Esta cuenta es un bot y, por tanto, está desatendida, para cualquier consulta o comentario contactad con [url=https://masto.kix2902.dev/@kix2902]@kix2902[/url]
This bot publish the complete sequence of Fibonacci number by number every 6 hours.
This account is a bot and, therefore, it's unattended, so for any consult or comment contact with [url=https://masto.kix2902.dev/@kix2902]@kix2902[/url]
Xa se lles nota aos días
Informo a diario das horas do nacemento do sol, do mediodía e do pór do sol nas coordenadas -8.162 42.92815 (Arzúa). Fágoo cos datos que obteño de Meteogalicia
podgalego 🗣🎙🛰📻
Onde os podcast en galego se atopan. Unha web para escoitar e descubrir podcast.
Bótalle un ollo ao feed e as nosas listas e promociona o noso idioma.
Consulta todos os falangullos en [url=https://podgalego.agora.gal]https://podgalego.agora.gal[/url] ou na web da Asociación Cultural Obradoiro Dixital Galego
Twitch en Galego🗣🛰📺🤖
Canle de seguimento de creadoras que transmiten contido en galego na plataforma de Twitch.
Bótalle un ollo ao feed e as nosas listas e promociona o noso idioma.
Consulta todas as canles na web da Asociación Cultural Obradoiro Dixital Galego.
Youtube en Galego 🗣🛰🎬🤖
Canle de seguimento de creadoras que suben contido en galego na plataforma de YouTube.
Bótalle un ollo ao feed e as nosas listas e promociona o noso idioma.
Consulta todas as canles na web da Asociación Cultural Obradoiro Dixital Galego.
Palabra do día
Publícase todos os días a [url=https://bots.automatica.dev/tags/palabradod%C3%ADa]#palabradodía[/url] do [url=https://bots.automatica.dev/tags/portaldaspalabras]#portaldaspalabras[/url]
Bot non oficial. Todas as imaxes e contidos son propiedade do Portal das Palabras [url=https://portaldaspalabras.gal/]https://portaldaspalabras.gal/[/url]
Aeroporto de Vigo-Peinador
Son un bot que notificará cada vez que un avión aterre ou despegue no Aeroporto de Vigo-Peinador
Un bot que pon as actualizacións de xogon.eu
まさきはるか - Harukamy
[url=https://social.jlinuxer.org/tag/linux]#Linux[/url] [url=https://social.jlinuxer.org/tag/ruby]#Ruby[/url] [url=https://social.jlinuxer.org/tag/zsh]#Zsh[/url] [url=https://social.jlinuxer.org/tag/manjaro]#Manjaro[/url] [url=https://social.jlinuxer.org/tag/btrfs]#Btrfs[/url]
Mimir Yokohama代表
EQAI技師, 研究分野:人心と人動, 心理モデリング
その他職業: 音楽家/声優/作家
JLSocial/JLinuxers admin.