Fediverse | Members
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We have 359883 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 359883 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert.Sort bySortieren nach Name Handle Location Newest Oldest
I am a 486DX-33Mhz-64mb processing avant-garde chiptune, synthesized heavy metal & classical symphonic music.
We're All Metal, Metal on Metal.
Steel Prophet, Metal-Tracker (Unofficial).
* It’s the Internet, stupid! *
Verein für liberale Netzpolitik
Hacker Memes
become one with the zero
Katja Diehl
Mein Kinderbuch schon vorbestellt!? Kommt 05/25! Zwei SPIEGEL-Bestsellerbücher, über fünf Jahre Podcast, unzählige Lesungen und Keynotes - aber nur ein Ziel: Eine klima- und sozial gerechte Mobilität für alle - Anfragen als Speakerin bitte an: backoffice@katja-diehl.de Ich halte Vorträge, Workshops und habe einen Podcast zum Thema. Meine Vision: Wahlfreie, gerechte, bezahlbare, inklusive, nachhaltige Mobilität für alle. Beginnend in den Städten - aber mit unbedingter Einbindung auf dem Land. Prekär Verdienende können sich kaum noch ein Auto leisten, 30 Millionen Menschen haben in ihren Haushalten keine PKW. Diese Menschen haben keine Lobby, diesen Menschen gebe ich meine Stimme. Auf diesem Kanal soll es um meine Vision einer klima- und sozialgerechten Mobilität gehen. Ich will uns so weit wie möglich vom privat besessenen Auto befreien. Durch klimagerechte Mobilität, aber auch durch Abbau der Privilegien für PKW vor allem in der Stadt.
Auditory Musings
A (not so) daily record recommendation for music fans; subscribe at [url=https://auditorymusings.net]https://auditorymusings.net[/url] [url=https://mstdn.social/tags/music]#music[/url] [url=https://mstdn.social/tags/DailyRecords]#DailyRecords[/url] [url=https://mstdn.social/tags/fedi22]#fedi22[/url]
Freak Show
Menschen! Technik! Sensationen! — Der Podcast über das Leben mit Technik im 21. Jahrhundert.
[url=https://det.social/tags/Trendy]#Trendy[/url] wertet die Hashtags deutschsprachiger Toots auf 411 Servern aus und bastelt daraus ein Bild. Mit Alt-Text natürlich.
Um Spam vorzubeugen wird jeder User nur einmal je Hashtag berücksichtigt. Es wird ein Abbild der letzten 6 Stunden erzeugt.
programmiert von [url=https://mastodon.social/@ansgartrinkmann]@ansgartrinkmann[/url]
wordcloud von Andreas C. Müller: [url=https://amueller.github.io/word_cloud]https://amueller.github.io/word_cloud[/url]
Danke für die Serverliste an [url=https://bildung.social/@favstarmafia]@favstarmafia[/url]
Trendy postet momentan um:
6, 10, 14, 18, 22 Uhr
Nutzt Hashtags! :-)
Horror Lex®
The internet's only searchable database of scholarly writings on horror and horror-adjacent films. [url=https://horrorlex.com]https://horrorlex.com[/url]
The Year of Horror Movies
I pick a random year and watch as many [url=https://mastodonapp.uk/tags/horror]#horror[/url] movies as I can in 7 days.
An occasional blogger. Based in Dorset, UK.
Mildly addicted to kimchi.
www.horrordna.com - It's in our Blood.
Your new home for horror. We post reviews of movies, comic books, books, video games and music.
Nerd Out With Me!
Tig and the gang watch tv shows and movies to pass the time.
Welcome to the Miniverse! 🛸
I’m Steve Berry, a Freelance Creative/Visual Artist based in Yorkshire 🇬🇧.
I create cinematic scenes from my living room using practical FX, figures & miniature sets with only a tiny bit of digital work when needed. If you love movies you’ll be sure to enjoy my creations.
Screencaps from Films and Television.
Old Movie Posters
More movie posters, when you need them!
Created maintained by [url=https://octodon.social/@spud]@spud[/url]
film group
I'm a group about film. Follow me to get all the group posts. Tag me to share with the group. Create other groups by searching for or tagging @yourGroupName@a.gup.pe
Das Netzteil
SATIRE • FRANKEN • HOBBITS. Haben Sie Humor? Ich auch nicht. Kann Spuren von Sarkasmus und Ironie enthalten. Sie kennen das! Leise kichert ein Uhu. 🦉Bekannt von twitter.com/grolmori
Gaming News
Hi, this is a bot posting gaming news from 30 different gaming outlet RSS feeds 👋
This account will exist until all the included sources create their official Fediverse accounts.
If you're one of those outlets, please contact [url=https://mastodon.social/@lashman]@lashman[/url] to remove the source from the bot.
Also, if you have suggestions or want to report errors, please contact the account mentioned above 🙂
1998 | ♍ | :flag_bisexual: :flag_ambiamorous: :flag_genderqueer: | he/they | 🇵🇱 🇪🇺
Tune in, turn on, burn out in the acid rain
An all around soft guy :spinny_cat_bi:
Corpo worker by day 🏢 Goth boy by night 🦇
Obsessed with post-punk & vaporwave music 🎶
Queer elf nerd 🧝🏻 Tarot aficionado 🃏🔮
Loves archaeology ❤️🏺May or may not be a vampire 🧛🏻
Follow requests from empty accounts will be rejected. All opinions are my own. Be advised that I occasionally boost NSFW stuff (always with a CW).
The Fresh Beets
Premier [url=https://ravenation.club/tags/techno]#techno[/url] (four decks!) and [url=https://ravenation.club/tags/trance]#trance[/url] DJ bringing you the [url=https://ravenation.club/tags/FreshBeets]#FreshBeets[/url]!
Autistic Netrunner Corpo Rat by day.
Autistic Fixer at :corteximplant: and bouncer at :totentanz: at night.
:corteximplant_g: [url=https://corteximplant.org]https://corteximplant.org[/url]
:lucybz: [url=https://lucy.bz]https://lucy.bz[/url]
:totentanz: [url=https://totentanz.club]https://totentanz.club[/url]
I'm a mid-30 cyberpunk-infused :cyberpunk:, neuro-divergent art and music producer, navigating the chaotic data currents with the enigmatic companionship of two mysterious cyber-feline sidekicks.
You might've encountered my soundscapes i made music for notebooksbillger (nbb), Arch Linux Conf Online 2020, Ubisoft, CDPR, THQ Nordic, Peugeot, and some more :revengeday:
:cyberheart_green: HIGH TECH - LOW LIFE
:hex_transgender: Trans rights are human rights
:cyberheart_cyan: Heart-Sync with [url=https://corteximplant.com/@JoMendacium]@JoMendacium[/url]
SID Music Bot
Playing out [url=https://botsin.space/tags/C64]#C64[/url] [url=https://botsin.space/tags/SID]#SID[/url] [url=https://botsin.space/tags/chiptunes]#chiptunes[/url]
Favourited and/or boosted posts stay online, everything else is deleted after two weeks. Please favourite or boost music you like!
Atari ST music bot
Random [url=https://botsin.space/tags/AtariST]#AtariST[/url] [url=https://botsin.space/tags/chiptunes]#chiptunes[/url] - currently one a day.
Favourited and/or boosted posts stay online, everything else is deleted after three months. Please favourite or boost music you like!
See [url=https://botsin.space/@AYMusic]@AYMusic[/url] for more (ZX Spectrum) AY tunes.
electronicmusic group
I'm a group about electronicmusic. Follow me to get all the group posts. Tag me to share with the group. Create other groups by searching for or tagging @yourGroupName@a.gup.pe
Encrypt your cloud, protect your privacy.
With Cryptomator, the key to your data is in your hands. Cryptomator encrypts your data quickly and easily. Afterwards you upload them protected to your favorite cloud service.
Made by Skymatic.