We have 362335 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 362335 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert. Sort bySortieren nachNameHandleLocationNewestOldest
Alle 'Free Palaestine' Fans sollten hier direkt weiterklicken - jeder der meint mich dennoch mit antisemitischen Argumenten 'bekehren' zu müssen, fliegt ungefragt raus.
Denn: Man soll nicht alles glauben was man denkt!
Working on #rust and #fpga with #GoLEm-fpga and #MiSTer, and software preservation efforts at #retronomicon! Previously Head of Architecture @liftedinit.
I identify as a vampire-elf, also sometimes a sky-pupper. I love to cook, bake & make sweet treats. Gaming, art & being a pun-loving goober are also part of my existence.
Director, Global Field CISO at Sophos, frequent speaker and press go to. Said opinions are mine, not the company.
Co-host of the Security Take(s) Two (@securitytaketwo) podcast.