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We have 359883 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 359883 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert.Sort bySortieren nach Name Handle Location Newest Oldest
Julian Ridden
In permanent beta: learning, improving, evolving, disrupting ... Ed(t)echpreneur, [url=https://aus.social/tags/Elearning]#Elearning[/url] enthusiast, Public Speaker, [url=https://aus.social/tags/boardgamer]#boardgamer[/url], [url=https://aus.social/tags/geek]#geek[/url]!
Matt Bury
MA Online & Distance Education & Applied Linguistics | ELT, CALL, Instructional Design, & Moodle 🇬🇧 🇪🇸 🇪🇺
Education and technology; instructional design; Moodle; Adapt Framework; H5P.
David Le Blanc
I am a retired high school teacher in Vancouver British Columbia.
Max de Mendizábal
Físico, programador y apasionado del Software Libre y de las plataformas de educación a distancia (VLE).
Amy Archambault
instructional designer | design justice-oriented | dog lover
looking for ways to make education more accessible to all
Alan McCoy
A Mark Goodman-Bill Toddman Production.
I've been teaching high-school English for 20 years, and studying cognitive science for 15.
I combine these interests to offer research-informed guidance to teachers, students, and parents.
I've written 3 books: Learning Begins, Learning Grows, and The Goldilocks Map
I'm the blog editor for Learning and the Brain
[url=https://mastodon.social/tags/edutooter]#edutooter[/url] (I can't believe I wrote that) [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/education]#education[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/psychology]#psychology[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/MBE]#MBE[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/EducationalNeuroscience]#EducationalNeuroscience[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/cogsci]#cogsci[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/EdResearch]#EdResearch[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/WorkingMemory]#WorkingMemory[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/Sondheim]#Sondheim[/url]
Greg Vedders
Posting about me, my family, and nothing at all
Catherine Elliott
Education Consultant in Sheffield supporting Computing, specialist in [url=https://mastodon.world/tags/SENDComputing]#SENDComputing[/url] / Occasionally draws birds.
Mark Johnson
I like computers, solo gaming, prog metal, sci-fi, singing, and guinea pigs.
I make the [url=https://ubuntu.social/tags/Linux]#Linux[/url] Matters Podcast. I currently contribute to [url=https://ubuntu.social/tags/Moodle]#Moodle[/url] and my personal [url=https://ubuntu.social/tags/Opensource]#Opensource[/url] projects.
Benjamin Waller
I am is an educator and taught English as an Additional Language (EAL) teacher in the AMEP program both at the Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) and AMES in Victoria for over a decade. I am currently working as an Educational Designer at the Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) developing eLearning solutions and resources using OER technology and user and advocate of H5P Technology.
Leonel Morgado
Leonel Morgado is Associate Professor with Habilitation at Universidade Aberta, Portugal, a public distance learning & e-learning university. And Senior Researcher at INESC TEC, an independent research unit. He is also Vice-President for Scientific Quality of the Immersive Learning Research Network.
Sheila MacNeill
Artist, digital learning consultant, interested in critical approaches to enhancing education for all. You can find out more here [url=https://howsheilaseesit.net/]https://howsheilaseesit.net/[/url]
Let's get to grips with this. Opinionated edtech evaluations and discussions. Now Computing Hub Lead for NCCE and Associate Lecturer once again at the OU.
Dan Axson
Learning Technologies Manager in UK HE. Still distracted by wanting to be an astronaut when I grow up.
Also host and producer on The Last Wednesday of the Week, your new favourite sports podcast. Find us on your fave pod platform.
Erin Ingram, PhD
Community Engagement Coordinator with UNL IANR Science Literacy's Growable team focused on systems thinking and STEM-informed decision making in K-12 education spaces.
Jan Van Belle
The future of Training is Learning
Fabien Paquereaau
Délégué régional au numérique (enseignement agricole) Pays de la Loire.
Animateur Badgeons les Pays de la Loire
Militant du jardin à foison à mes heures perdues genre incroyablement Comestible 😉
Juan Carrera
Informático y esquiador. Si no estoy detrás del teclado y hay nieve búscame en Astún.
Shelly Blake-Plock
Since 1974.
Neil Mosley
Higher education consultant specialising in online learning, distance learning, learning design & edtech. Fellow at the Centre for Online and Distance Education, University of London.
Website: [url=https://www.neilmosley.com]https://www.neilmosley.com[/url]
LinkedIn : [url=https://www.linkedin.com/in/neil-mosley/]https://www.linkedin.com/in/neil-mosley/[/url]
Twitter: [url=https://twitter.com/neilmosley5]https://twitter.com/neilmosley5[/url]
((( David "Kahomono" Frier )))
Isaac Thornell
Soy un autor apasionado por los relatos oscuros y los misterios que acechan en la noche. Me gusta escribir relatos de terror gótico, principalmente.
walk more & drink enough water