We have 362688 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 362688 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert. Sort bySortieren nachNameHandleLocationNewestOldest
☀️ Working as Business Support System Consultant [url=https://burma.social/tags/telco]#telco[/url]
🌑 Selling Home made meals on facebook- @winscloudkitchen
(စိတ်ထားကောင်းဖို့ပထမ ဖြစ်သည်။)
(ကံကံ၏အကျိုးတရားအကြောင်းတရား ြဖစ်ပေသည်။)
(မိမိ ၏ လုပ်ရပ်သည်လည်းမိမိရဲ့ ကောင်းကျိုးဆိုကျိုးပေါ်မူတည်ပေသည်။)
Founder at Youth Academy ICT Foundation , National Cyber Security Service Center
Pentest and Cyber Security : EHC
Passionately Curious 😶🌫️
Founder of Myanmar Cyber Youths and Web Developer Environment, Technical Lead at Global Innovation Consulting working on directing and managing Juniors and collaborating with Directors and Managing Directors.