Fediverse | Members
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We have 362307 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 362307 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert.Sort bySortieren nach Name Handle Location Newest Oldest
Global & Unified Access to Knowledge Graphs. Public Data Infrastructure for a Large, Multilingual, Semantic Knowledge Graph
M.Joel Dubinko
Software generalist. Problem solver. AI Consultant.
Lex Verheesen
Lerarenopleider bij Hogeschool Utrecht | Secretaris bij vakvereniging i&i | [url=https://waag.social/tags/DigitaleGeletterdheid]#DigitaleGeletterdheid[/url] [url=https://waag.social/tags/Informatica]#Informatica[/url] [url=https://waag.social/tags/Onderwijs]#Onderwijs[/url]
Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), the national research institute for mathematics and computer science in the Netherlands since 1946. Toots Dutch/English.
Common Workflow Language
Official Common Workflow Language [url=https://floss.social/tags/CommonWL]#CommonWL[/url] account.
Posts by [url=https://octodon.social/@biocrusoe]@biocrusoe[/url]
Sarah Bartlett
3 x Tableau Visionary | 5 x Tableau Ambassador | COE | [url=https://vis.social/tags/LondonTUG]#LondonTUG[/url] Co-Leader | Founder [url=https://vis.social/tags/IronQuest]#IronQuest[/url] | Data Leadership Collaborative Advisory Board | [url=https://vis.social/tags/datafam]#datafam[/url]
Wikipedia featured articles
Bot icon.svg: PlanemadWikipedia-logo-v2.svg: Version 1 by Nohat (concept by Paullusmagnus); Wikimedia.derivative work: ויקיג'אנקי, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
arXiv eess.IV bot
Electrical Engineering and Systems Science - Image and Video Processing [url=https://arxiv.org/list/eess.IV/new]https://arxiv.org/list/eess.IV/new[/url] Not affiliated with arXiv. Run by [url=https://mastoxiv.page/@vela]@vela[/url] with [url=https://github.com/so-okada/toXiv]https://github.com/so-okada/toXiv[/url] Other bots: [url=https://mastoxiv.page/@vela/109642387563304551]https://mastoxiv.page/@vela/109642387563304551[/url]
[url=https://mastoxiv.page/tags/arXiv]#arXiv[/url] [url=https://mastoxiv.page/tags/ElectricalEngineeringandSystemsScience]#ElectricalEngineeringandSystemsScience[/url] [url=https://mastoxiv.page/tags/ImageandVideoProcessing]#ImageandVideoProcessing[/url]
text-search: [url=https://tootfinder.ch]https://tootfinder.ch[/url]
Jill Walker Rettberg
Professor of Digital Culture and Co-Director of the Center for Digital Narrative at the University of Bergen.
Kurt Lewin Instituut
Het Kurt Lewin Instituut (KLI) is een netwerk waarin gerenommeerde sociaalpsychologen met elkaar een nieuwe generatie onderzoekers (PhD's) opleiden
Common Workflow Language
Recorded presentations from the CWL Conference 2021 and beyond Check out https://www.commonwl.org for more information
toolsforthought group
I'm a group about toolsforthought. Follow me to get all the group posts. Tag me to share with the group. Create other groups by searching for or tagging @yourGroupName@a.gup.pe
CMU Data Interaction Group
We are a research group at the Human-Computer Interaction Institute ([url=https://hci.social/@cmuhcii]@cmuhcii[/url]) at Carnegie Mellon University. Our mission is to empower everyone to analyze and communicate data with interactive systems.
Huygens Instituut
Het Huygens Instituut maakt onderzoek naar de Nederlandse geschiedenis en cultuur toegankelijk voor onderzoekers en een breed publiek. Onderdeel van de KNAW.
Virtual Knowledge Graph system for querying relational databases with SPARQL efficiently
Adam A
Hopefully that asshat doesn't try to buy this network too
Tech Lead at [redacted] for building fancy websites, life long tech nerd
Monica Rosenberg
Cognitive neuroscientist studying how we pay attention, Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of Chicago, director of the CAB Lab, Rhode Islander ⚓
Mitchel Resnick
I'm Professor of Learning Research at MIT Media Lab, co-creator of Scratch, and author of Lifelong Kindergarten book
Adam Raymakers (he/him)
Research fellow with the Program on Regulation, Therapeutics, and Law (PORTAL) at Harvard Medical School & Brigham and Women's Hospital.
Science Alliance: www.protectourwinters.ca
Located in: Squamish, BC
Formerly: BC Cancer, Simon Fraser University, National University of Ireland Galway, University of British Columbia, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Dalhousie University.
Twitter: @adamr_phd
Ulf Aslak
data science phd, works in digital marketing, husband+dad, skateboarder, hobbyist manual laborer
Sylvain Corlay
[url=https://mastodon.social/@QuantStack]@QuantStack[/url] founder, @ProjectJupyter maintainer, [url=https://mastodon.social/@PyDataParis]@PyDataParis[/url] organizer, ACM software system award 2017.
Overleaf and LaTeX
Videos to illustrate tasks in LaTeX using the Overleaf web / cloud based, collaborative editor / complier system
Greg Walsh 🦏
I’m a design researcher working at the intersection of Charles St and Mount Royal Ave.
I have a PhD in HCI and an associates degree in fashion design. Ask me which was harder...
[url=https://hci.social/tags/participatorydesign]#participatorydesign[/url] [url=https://hci.social/tags/ixd]#ixd[/url] [url=https://hci.social/tags/fashiondesign]#fashiondesign[/url]
ResearchDataManagement group
I'm a group about ResearchDataManagement. Follow me to get all the group posts. Tag me to share with the group. Create other groups by searching for or tagging @yourGroupName@a.gup.pe
Medical Library UMCG
We're the Medical Library of the [url=https://social.edu.nl/tags/UMCG]#UMCG[/url] and the [url=https://social.edu.nl/tags/UnversityofGroningen]#UnversityofGroningen[/url].
We moved here from akademiennl.social/@cmbUMCG, our former channel on Mastodon.