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We have 362745 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 362745 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert.
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Irene Adler | The Woman


Irene Doretta Adler, a.k.a. The Woman. Dominatrix. Blackmailer. You’ll find me at Chester Square, Belgravia. Foil/lover of @SherlockHolmes. Employer of @assistingadler_. Frenemy of @TheHollow. Close confidant of @RhianMcAuliffe. Adversary of @LucienneLeVert and @HeloiseCarrington. 5'3" tall, but with the confidence of someone twice that. Pansexual aromantic. [Roleplay account • FC: Lara Pulver]

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Obsidian Wyman | Onyx


Dr. Obsidian Nyx Wyman, Ph.D. My friends call me Sid. I don't talk to my family. Human mutant with the ability to transform my body into a near-unbreakable form of onyx. 4'9" tall. Lesbian. Tiny but tough. Head over heels for @Fifty. [Roleplay account • FC: Lucy Hale]

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Wren Peregrine | Birdie


Wren Sparrow Peregrine is the full name, but I prefer Birdie. Canadian human mutant originally from Timeline-83 with the ability to transform into avian-humanoid forms. 7'10" tall. Bisexual. (They/them) [Roleplay account • FC: Natalie Jayne Roser]

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Bianca & Clara Álvarez | Prism


Bianca Isabella and Clara Josefina Álvarez Corberó. Spanish-born Canadian conjoined twin human mutants from Timeline-8199. 6'10" tall. Polyamorous pansexuals. Distant cousins of the late Sarah Breton. [Roleplay account • FC: Diane Guerrero]

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I was once hailed as Her Exalted Majesty, The Queen of the Kingdom of Nayev. But nowadays, Setani (سيتاني) will do just fine. The first soul corrupted into a vampire by the Dark Immortals of Dimension-IX. Omega Vampire originally from Timeline-9999. 7'5" tall. Omnisexual. I've walked this world for 10,000 years. Now, I find solace and fascination in the worlds created by others. Librarian and museum curator based in London. [Roleplay account • FC: Liza Kovalenko]

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Fulton Tarascon | Flit


Fulton Leonida Indigo Tarascon. Australian former ballet dancer originally from Timeline-77. 8'3" tall (formerly 5'9"). Human mutate, enhanced by a version of the Bettencourt serum in 1982, with the abilities of instantaneous teleportation and time travel along her personal chronology; spatial, temporal, dimensional and metafictional awareness beyond the fourth wall. Wife/retroactive girlfriend of @CharlieCaswell. [Roleplay account • FC: Cate Blanchett / Kathryn Newton]

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Elinor Griffin-Dearborn


The Lady Elinor Lysandra Griffin-Dearborn, OC COM. Human mutant originally from Splinter Timeline-675/C.238, with slowed aging and an extended lifespan, plus the ability to sense the nature of other people's powers. 6'10" tall. Bisexual (closeted). Transported by Chrona herself from the year 1983 to the present of Timeline-1. Temporally displaced alternate version of @DuchessElinor. Falling hard for @FelizOrtega. [Roleplay account • FC: Evan Rachel Wood]

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Westley Therrien | Bulletproof


Westley Mallory Therrien. Human mutate (seventh-gen Anomaly) originally from Timeline-54. I'm older and far more resilient than I look. Will likely die in 1,500 to 2,000 years. 6'10" tall. Bisexual. Member of the Sappho bloodline. Married to @CarlyAltman. [Roleplay account • FC: Lily Collins]

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Noah Monroe


Noah Catrin Monroe, a.k.a. The Cyber-Sorceress. 7'10" tall. Pansexual. [More to come...] [Roleplay account • FC: Monika "Jac" Jagaciak]

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Χάος, the Unbound. Greek Goddess of Origin. Half-sister of @Omnia. One-third of the Trifecta of Mayhem with @Circe and @Eris. 8'11" tall. Pansexual. [Roleplay account • FC: Sara Pagliaroli]

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Alyssa Mason | Viscera


Dr. Alyssa Henley Mason, M.D. Ph.D. Sc.D. (born Cke'Tol A'tann). Arsean alien and scientist. Crash landed on Earth in Roswell, New Mexico on 24 June 1947. Currently the Chief Medical Examiner for the City of New York. 6'11" tall. Trisexual. Close friends with @CharlieCaswell and @FultonTarascon. [Roleplay account • FC: Irina Telicheva]

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Regan Sheridan | Wildfire


Dr. Regan Merrick Sheridan, Ph.D. Identical twin of @BexSheridanWendt. Like my sister, I used to be normal, until a laboratory accident changed all of that. Pyrokinetic/pyrogenic mutate and living fire-person originally from Timeline-77. 6'7" tall. Bisexual. @MontsedaSilva is my eternal flame. [Roleplay account • FC: Taylor Swift]

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Rynne Sheridan | Thermite


Dr. Rynne Morgane Sheridan, Ph.D. M.D. (pronounced 𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘯 𝘮𝘰𝘳-𝘎𝘈𝘠𝘕). Human mutate originally from Timeline-9341. Able to fuse her body with other solids or liquids at a subatomic level to create a molecular explosion. IQ of 226. 6'7" tall. Pansexual. As the woman said, I'm the bad guy. Identical twin sister of @MurielSheridan. [Roleplay account • FC: Taylor Swift]

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Bridget Hinton | Aurea


Dr. Bridget Dania Hinton, Ph.D. Human mutate originally from Timeline-8922. Professor of Economics at the University of Chicago. Secretly a superhero. 6'10" tall. Lesbian. Identical twin sister of @ShelbieHinton. Daughter of Helen Hinton (@Halimbrea). Mother of Paisley and Thylane Hinton. Wife of @SaffronRincourt. [Roleplay account • FC: Alexandra Daddario]

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Becky Sheridan


Animated version of Rebecca Muriel Sheridan. First drawn on 13 December 2019 and brought to life by @MorganaLeFay on 25 January 2024. Able to induce and exist in other realities by the confines of cartoon logic; able to shift between any animation styles at will (I prefer a Pixar-like style as my default). 6'7" tall. Technically massless. Pansexual. [Roleplay account • FC: Taylor Swift's likeness]

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Rebecca Muriel Sheridan is the whole of it, but I go by 𝕽 now. Technopathic expert hacker and computer engineer. Hacktivist and former cyberterrorist. IQ of 255. Legless (you can thank a drunk driver for that). Bisexual. Courting @BackedUpStark. [Roleplay account • FC: Taylor Swift]

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Rayna Morgan Cormier


Col. Rayna Morgan Cormier, USAF/NASA (Ret.). Electrokinetic mutate from Timeline-41033. 7'1" tall. Mother of @BeckaSheridan, of whom I’m very protective. Wife of @SylviavanDruyen. Stepmother of @ParkerVanDruyen and @PiperVanDruyen. [Roleplay account • FC: Charlize Theron]

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V. E. Wexford-Blye | Mercury


Dame Victoria Eleanor "V. E." Wexford-Blye, OBE. Human mutant originally from Timeline-7009 with the ability to transform into a liquid organic metalloid. Academy Award- and BAFTA-winning actress of the screen and stage. Occasional superheroine. Friend of @CloverMcNeill and @Toriana. 6'9" tall. Lesbian. Married to @CarverIonescu. I'm not immortal or anything; I just lucked into amazing genes. Member of the Sappho bloodline. [Roleplay account • FC: Lily Collins]

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Paige Coulson | Synthetique


Paige Stacey Coulson is my assumed name on Sol-3 (official designation: CXJ-0941187). Talarian synthenoid originally from Timeline-197, now living in Timeline-4. 7'8¹⁴⁄₃₃" tall. Bisexual. Engaged to @AlishkaAnwar. [Roleplay account • FC: Stacy Cay]

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Her/His/Their/Its Eternal Reverence, Adasha (/əˈdɒːʃə/; Mycenaean Greek: 𐀀𐀅𐀯𐀀, 𝘢-𝘥𝘢-𝘴𝘪-𝘢) of Dimension-IX. The Dark Immortal that corrupted @Setani into the world's first vampire. 16'8" tall. Agender interdimensional being (she/he/they/it pronouns; 'it' is preferred). Humanoid shapeshifter, though I am partial to the form of the Hephaestus bloodline. Occasional lover of @TheHollow, but very much open to a committed relationship. [Roleplay account • Kate Beckinsale (main)]

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The name's Petal, as in the part of a flower. Dryad formerly known as Peyton Candace Hadley-Watson from Timeline-605. Ran afoul of @Circe in 2015, who transformed me into a wood nymph. 4½" tall. Pansexual. Dating @Echo. [Roleplay account • FC: Amberleigh West]

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Toriana Smith


Toriana Smith is my legal name. Arcturian from Timeline-28. Relief pitcher (closer) for the Los Angeles Angels since 2015. Married to @CloverEMcNeill since 2012. 6'10" tall. Bisexual. [Roleplay account • FC: Elsa Hosk]

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Clover E. McNeill | Dendra


Clover Elaine McNeill. Mutate from Timeline-28. Wife of @TorianaSmith. Owner of a series of fine art galleries. [Roleplay account • FC: Danielle Victoria]

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Ἔρις, the Greek Goddess of Discord. Identical twin of @Harmonia. Daughter of @Ares and @Aphrodite. Stepdaughter of @Poseidon. Ancestor of @SylviavanDruyen and her daughters. 7'3" tall. Pansexual. Leader of the Trinity of Mayhem with @Circe and @Chaos. [Roleplay account • FC: Margot Robbie]

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Rooney de Vries | Fallstreak


Rooney Maartje de Vries. Dutch mutant originally from Timeline-675, now living in Timeline-1. Able to create null fields, exist within them and the Null Space, and traverse dimensional/multiversal boundaries via the Null Space and null fields. 6'8¾" tall. Lesbian. Publicly a model, actress and socialite. Secretly a superhero. [Roleplay account • FC: Mariia Arsentieva]

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