Semi-solitary witch, random nice lady in the NE US.
Oh lord, what to put here....I love yarn, mushrooms, lichens, woods, folktales, flowers, giant trees, animals, moonlight, sunrises, incense, books, fireplaces.
Also: old commercials, random aesthetic artifacts, 80s design, art deco revival, fonts, old Windows desktops, pastel nonsense, neon nonsense, nostalgia, remixing old culture, old internet
[url=]#poetry[/url], [url=]#history[/url], [url=]#Wicca[/url] and [url=]#Witchcraft[/url], [url=]#fiberarts[/url], [url=]#Tarot[/url], [url=]#Vaporwave[/url], and [url=]#animal[/url] nonsense.