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Moved => https://makertube.net/c/bekomotion/videos My occasional videos usually resolve around HEMA (Historical European Martial Art), LinuxGaming / GamingOnLinux and SimPit projects. Sometimes I even do a lifestream at https://live.famkos.net/ This won't become another techniques channel and I'm no teacher of any sort. I'm primary showing what can be done - not how it's done. All videos are also posted on my blog https://beko.famkos.net/
Someone who likes trains, economics, and spends way to much time looking at Google Maps & the ABS. I try to stay neutral when analysing, but everyone is inherently biased.
coming last in the space race
but winning at Wordle
avoiding the news of the day
my internal monologue is frequently interrupted by ad-breaks spruiking ‘101 wind-chime melodies to drown out the little voice in your head’
I’m a sleepwalker interested in all things spooky and mystical
The more eerily strange the better
I also love photography, nature and flowers
what can I say.. I’m a ghoulish gal with a side of flower crush
Linksgrünversiffter gutmenschlicher Gretajünger - MNS-Träger
Terra - Sol-System - Orionarm
- Leseratte (Fiktion und Populär Science)
- Serienjunkie auf fast allen Plattformen
- Pro Gamediversity
- Weltretter im "neueren" Tomb Raider, Horizon, Fallout.
- Familys-Retter in San Andreas
- Kleiner Großganove oder großer Kleinganove in GTA-Online.
- Point 'n Click-Freund seit Zak McKracken
- Pilot im MS Flight Simulator (offline weil zu unkommunikativ für onlinevarianten)
Teacher that paints sometimes.
Ich bin Hobbykünstlerin, ich male in meiner Freizeit mit Aquarellfarben und Acryl. Ich möchte hier vor allem meine Bilder teilen und andere Künstler treffen.