We have 364574 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 364574 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert. Sort bySortieren nachNameHandleLocationNewestOldest
Hey, I’m Stephen. I'm an American expat living in Berlin with my wife and two dogs. I am a contributor to Rails and the sqlite3-ruby gem as well as the maintainer of a handful of gems aimed at making Ruby and Rails the absolute best platforms in the world to run SQLite projects.
Un desconocido irrelevante. Tomo fotos y filmo en un iPhone SE. Leo mucho y ¿hablo poco? Argentino/Italiano en Chile. Alcohólico, anhedónico a veces, atolondrado, arisco. Pansexual: me gustan las mujeres, los hombres, la gente de todo género, o de ninguno. Aunque tal vez no en este preciso momento.
Interested in environmental issues, feminism, Doctor Who, the paranormal, amateur musical theatre. First language English but also know German and Swedish (very rusty) and can read some Norwegian, Danish & French.