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Hej och välkommen till min lilla hörna av det stora nätet som vi kallar internet. Jag jobbar som kommunikatör, renoverar en kolonistuga och vårt nyinköpta hus. Mitt konto kan innehålla spår av pappaskämt.
If you are seeing this from Bluesky, make sure to follow @ap.brid.gy so that we can interact. I am Camilla - a Swede living in Ireland. Probably more Irish than Swedish by now men smålännskan finns kvar. Will write in Swedish or English or both. Hoping to be less scared of expressing myself here. Knitting to make a living - an experiment in the making. 🧶 I have a website too: https://millamull.com/ Pixelfed: @millamull
Hallo, wie schön, dass du mein Profil hier gefunden hast im Internet :) Herzlich willkommen und falls du Anmerkungen oder Feedback zu meinen Ideen hast zögere bitte nicht sie mir per Kommentar mitzuteilen. So können wir im gemeinsamen Diskurs die Welt bestimmt ein bisschen sozialer und gerechter machen :)
allegedly, i code and animate
hey there, call me sylvie, i write programs and draw if sufficiently bored
motivation comes to me in bursts and i like to bite more than i can chew, plus i have a preference for not sharing what im working on to not disappoint when i probably wont deliver, sorry
current avatar by deliverycat on discord
**Moved to @daudix@wetdry.world**
Me in an unserious form (not exactly but you got the idea).
Overly enthusiastic hobby changer, PhD in being a goofball, AD-HD suspect.
Trying my best to not go insane (it doesn't go well).
Lurking and not interacting with 98% probability.
Liking Portal 2 and that honse show (no shit).
"uuuuuuuh idk" - @pixl_xip
"you are a silly little goober with a creative mind" - @precipitation_ronnie@floofy.tech