We have 363542 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 363542 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert. Sort bySortieren nachNameHandleLocationNewestOldest
Oh geez. I'm the grandchild of the smartest man in the universe, but I'm not a sidekick. Younger brother to my annoying sister, Summer. Just out here cleaning up Rick's messes he leaves behind in between, uh, sessions, yeah.
Natuurredacteur Nederlands Dagblad. Tips? zwartbol@nd.nl. Wat ik nog meer doe? Genieten van tuinen, vrede op aarde, Alblasserwaard, plandelen, honden, vogels, broodje zalm, halve marathon, Biesbosch.
Space Industry Consultant with Eye On Orbit - Lecturer for Aeronautical & Precision Engineering at Inholland Delft - Member of the Space Cowboys Podcast crew
Science writer / PhD in physics. Covering physics and astronomy for Swedish magazines. Writing a book about black holes and the Event Horizon Telescope.
Managing Editor, Carnegie Mellon University Libraries | Host: The Downtown Writers Jam | alum: Wired, Wired.com, & Technology Review from way back in the early days (1998-2006). | Author: Dungeons & Dreamers: a story of how computer games created a global community (2014) | #writer#editor#author#publisher | (he/him)
Space Industry Consultant at Eye On Orbit - Lecturer Aeronautical & Precision Engineering at Inholland Delft - Member of the Space Cowboys Podcast crew
Husband, proud dad, researcher, and lover of science. Trying to understand the dark sector using Astrostatistics. Data Science for Sustainable Development.
Computer Scientist. Postdoctoral research fellow interested in Boolean satisfiability and counting. Feminist. Trekkie. Traveller. Opinions my own.
Follow me @anna for tweets about maths and logic.