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We have 362382 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 362382 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert.Sort bySortieren nach Name Handle Location Newest Oldest
Lloyd A Meeker 🏳️🌈
Storyteller, mystic, healer, lover, survivor, friend. INFJ. He/Him. Represented by Amy Collins of Talcott Notch Literary.
After so many years of struggling to live as others said I should, I regularly find myself astonished at the power and beauty of living as I must. The more uncompromising I have become in that one thing, the more wonderful my journey has become. The Universe has been kinder and more generous to me than I had ever dared hope, let alone ask.
On an adventure in Europe!
Addison Smith
Sffh @ Fantasy Mag, Fireside, DSF, etc. Ace, Codexian. Baby tooter, be gentle. He/him.
Dr. Satenik Margaryan
She/her. Immigrant, activist, educator, and mom.
Garrett W.
Web developer (mainly PHP), server admin, IT generalist. Endlessly curious. Neurodivergent. Unapologetically centrist.
Arnaud Le Blanc
Programmer, php-src contributor, maintainer of php-memprof and php-rdkafka, implemented PHPStan generics
Lina Wolf
TYPO3 Documentation Team Leader, phpDocumentor/guides maintainer
Florent Favard
Associate professor at U. de Lorraine / CREM - IECA
¤ Narratology, TV series, transmedia, SF/fantasy, popular culture
¤ Also politics, science, some fun memes and cute animals
¤ frenchglish
PP by Faustin Favard
AnaKaye 🖖🦀🛸✒️
Science, history, music, language. Tsundoku master. Ailurophile. Reader and writer of [url=https://universeodon.com/tags/scifi]#scifi[/url]. Nerdy before it was cool. Home brewer. Displaced Clevelander living in Annapolis. The world is a fascinating place. [url=https://universeodon.com/tags/SCA]#SCA[/url] [url=https://universeodon.com/tags/Callahans]#Callahans[/url] [url=https://universeodon.com/tags/books]#books[/url]
Rysa Walker
Author (CHRONOS Files, CHRONOS Origins, & Delphi Trilogy). Caffeine addict. Recovering history & gov't prof. She/her. [url=https://universeodon.com/tags/StarTrek]#StarTrek[/url] [url=https://universeodon.com/tags/SciFi]#SciFi[/url] [url=https://universeodon.com/tags/timetravel]#timetravel[/url] [url=https://universeodon.com/tags/writingcommunity]#writingcommunity[/url]
Finnian Burnett
Queer. Into Victorian books about cats, Star Trek, flash fiction, being uncool.
College English instructor. Harried doctoral student.
Canadian by choice.
Novella-in-flash, The Clothes Make the Man out now through Ad Hoc Fiction.
[url=https://writing.exchange/tags/writer]#writer[/url] [url=https://writing.exchange/tags/startrek]#startrek[/url] [url=https://writing.exchange/tags/sapphicmigration]#sapphicmigration[/url] [url=https://writing.exchange/tags/cats]#cats[/url] [url=https://writing.exchange/tags/fatactivism]#fatactivism[/url] [url=https://writing.exchange/tags/strangenewworlds]#strangenewworlds[/url]
Lettie Prell
Science fiction writer. Novellas and shorts in Analog, Clarkesworld, Tordotcom, Wired, etc., and reprints in a lot of places including Best American Science Fiction & Fantasy.
My website [url=http://lettieprell.com]http://lettieprell.com[/url] contains my blog and links to some of my stories (text and audio).
I’m more often on Bluesky these days tbh.
Header art by Kevin Hong. Used with permission.
SA Hoag
S. A. Hoag is an author, artist, amateur astronomer ("I just look at the stars, I can't tell you their names."), hockey fan, and accidental desert-dweller. Born in the middle of the Rocky Mountains of Colorado, and currently looking to return there. Science Fiction has always been her first interest in reading and writing; many other genres sneak into the novels and that's all right with her.
MJ Porter
[url=https://mastodonapp.uk/tags/Writer]#Writer[/url] of [url=https://mastodonapp.uk/tags/Saxon]#Saxon[/url] stories, especially [url=https://mastodonapp.uk/tags/Mercia]#Mercia[/url]. Sometimes dipping a toe into the 20th century. Likes to write. Published by [url=https://mastodonapp.uk/tags/BoldwoodBooks]#BoldwoodBooks[/url] as well as [url=https://mastodonapp.uk/tags/Indie]#Indie[/url] [url=https://mastodonapp.uk/tags/Formula1]#Formula1[/url] fan. [url=https://mastodonapp.uk/tags/Reads]#Reads[/url] historical [url=https://mastodonapp.uk/tags/cozycrime]#cozycrime[/url] [url=https://mastodonapp.uk/tags/booktoot]#booktoot[/url] [url=https://mastodonapp.uk/tags/bookstodon]#bookstodon[/url]
Elgon Williams
Author of Magical Realism, Fantasy, and SyFy with Pandamoon Publishing
Director of Marketing. Perennial nomad living in Las Vegas, NV for now.
David Viner (author)
Author of Time Portals of Norwich, Time's Revenge and other books! Web developer by day. Slave to two cats.
Connor Peterson
SJ Bard. Trans fella. NaNoWriMo ML. Author of LGBTQ+ fantasy, supernatural thrillers, and paranormal romance. Unapologetic gaymer. Occasional fiber artist. Always irreverent.
[Profile pic is me! Header image is a rainbow quill with a triptych of cover images from upcoming series: Good Charlotte Walker, Trouble Boys, and the Immortal Paradox. Lower part indicates I'm also on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Tiktok as [url=https://writing.exchange/@authorconnorp]@authorconnorp[/url].]
Sheryl R. Hayes
Author, Knitter, Servant To Cats
she/her. Known for her [url=https://mastodon.online/tags/knit]#knit[/url] and [url=https://mastodon.online/tags/crochet]#crochet[/url] [url=https://mastodon.online/tags/cosplay]#cosplay[/url] as well as [url=https://mastodon.online/tags/writing]#writing[/url]
Glenn Quigley
Author. Artist. The Moth and Moon trilogy. The Knights of Blackrabbit. Use as Wallpaper.
Liath LaVerne Hawke (writing)
Story master in mixed styles of writer & art. Sci-Fi, Fantasy, with some (Cosmic) Horror.
If your joining me on Writing.Exchange, know that I focus on Writing here and that I also post art related content on Mastodon.Art. I also ask [url=https://writing.exchange/tags/QuestionOfTheDay]#QuestionOfTheDay[/url] and sometimes do [url=https://writing.exchange/tags/MotivationalPosts]#MotivationalPosts[/url] on both
hex publishes brief speculative texts on a weekly-ish basis. We're based at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. *not currently active here--please find us on IG or Twitter [url=https://writing.exchange/@hexliterary]@hexliterary[/url]*
Karen \ Writing
Writer and author in all kinds of medium, including short stories, plays, scriptwriting, and journalism. Marketing expert in the tech industry by day - Netflix junkie by night.
💥 Breaker of mugs and mother of cats. 🐱 [url=https://writing.exchange/tags/AmProcrastinating]#AmProcrastinating[/url] 🖌 🎨 📖🖊
Angela Meyer
Author: JOAN SMOKES, A SUPERIOR SPECTRE, MOON SUGAR ✨ writing & publishing lecturer ✨ working on sustainability issues in the Australian book industry ✨ bi ✨ she/her
Tiffani Angus
Writer, editor, ex-academic, nerd. BSFA *and* BFS-shortlisted author of Threading the Labyrinth. Spec Fic for Newbies, cowritten with Val Nolan, due Easter 2023 from Luna Press. Leftie, feminist. she/her
Kelly Gardner