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We have 361054 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 361054 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert.Sort bySortieren nach Name Handle Location Newest Oldest
Author Steaphan Kay
Steaphan (SHTIF-AWN)
* Founder of Indie Authors Social *
The author's journey is hard-fraught, painful, and sometimes lonely. I advocate for Authors Helping Authors (AHA).
My goal is to energize authors to share, teach, and collaborate, raising the indie publishing tides for all of the community. We share hope from our successes. Because a wonderful life derived from our creativity is possible.
Oh, I write Fantscimance (fantasy - science fiction - romance)
Julianne Lepp
Southerner meets Midwest, UU Rev, Writer, Sci-fi nerd, gamer & game designer, ENFP (she/her)
Martin Malcolm
Playwright, scribbler and AD with Critical Moment Theatre @critmoment
What fires me up about live theatre? Nothing beats seeing your words get up off the page to laugh, fight, bleed, love and dance.
D. D. Syrdal
Writer, Navy vet, quilter, feeder of birds. [url=https://linktr.ee/ddsyrdal]https://linktr.ee/ddsyrdal[/url]
Simon Billinton
Some things about me:
[url=https://mastodon.world/tags/writing]#writing[/url] - I write fiction. Hope to be published more.
[url=https://mastodon.world/tags/movies]#movies[/url] - all types. [url=https://mastodon.world/tags/jamesbond]#jamesbond[/url] is a sweet spot
[url=https://mastodon.world/tags/books]#books[/url] - working through the classics
[url=https://mastodon.world/tags/nature]#nature[/url] - enjoy being there.
[url=https://mastodon.world/tags/geography]#geography[/url] - the world we live in
[url=https://mastodon.world/tags/F1]#F1[/url] [url=https://mastodon.world/tags/formula1]#formula1[/url] - man and machine in harmony
[url=https://mastodon.world/tags/cricket]#cricket[/url] - I play and watch
[url=https://mastodon.world/tags/cycling]#cycling[/url] - freedom
[url=https://mastodon.world/tags/U2]#U2[/url] - I listen
[url=https://mastodon.world/tags/cats]#cats[/url] - I adore
[url=https://mastodon.world/tags/photography]#photography[/url] - getting into
[url=https://mastodon.world/tags/politics]#politics[/url] - I studied and enjoy discussing
[url=https://mastodon.world/tags/learning]#learning[/url] - always
From [url=https://mastodon.world/tags/London]#London[/url] and a child of the [url=https://mastodon.world/tags/80s]#80s[/url]
Say hello!
Bird photography.
Human Rights
Dawn Tasaka Steffler
fiction writer • Heimat Review
Paige Ewing
Alis volat propriis
SFF & romance writer. Throws axes, invents spider-kin. Liliana and Fae of Fayetteville 1. Precise Oaths, 2 Explosive Chemistry coming Nov 2023! -agent:
Autistic Antitheist
Please be aware: I am easily smacked with information overload. To prevent this, I can't follow everyone back. Please, don't take it personally.
Autistic, disabled due to agoraphobia, demophobia, etc. I write, I play "City of Heroes: Homecoming" and "Star Wars: The Old Republic." I read a LOT! I am snarky. I love science, logic, and reason. Chew-nails-spit-bullets anti-theist. Lover of puns and other wordplay!
Melissa Kendall
MARKED FOR HARVEST available now: [url=https://books2read.com/markedforharvest/]https://books2read.com/markedforharvest/[/url]
About me:
* Romance author
* she/her
* [url=https://writing.exchange/tags/actuallyAutistic]#actuallyAutistic[/url] [url=https://writing.exchange/tags/writingCommunity]#writingCommunity[/url] [url=https://writing.exchange/tags/adhd]#adhd[/url]
* Rep: Lane Clarke
* On submission
Header: Background: A forest in front of misty mountains. Foreground: MARKED FOR HARVEST AVAILABLE NOW. A book cover showing a tatooed woman with a translucent snake on her back.
Profile pic: smiling white person with glasses, brown hair, wearing a v-neck long-sleeve dress.
Mike in Melbin
Melbin born, Melbin bred and Melbin proud. Progressive, trying to be a better version of human.
Lover of horror, DnD, LARP, coffee, art and... MLB baseball.. Heavy metal, hardcore, punk and just a dash of hyper-pop is my music tastes.
Neuro-divergent and Demi. Trying to help bend the moral arc of the universe towards justice.
All spelling errors are my own: dyslexia and fast posting will produce some static.
"Be excellent to each other" is my golden rule.
Nimue Brown
Gloucestershire UK, creative eldritch entity, drinks coffee, daydreams a lot, likes tentacles.
Annie Percik
Largely moved to Bluesky -
Author and freelance editor
Podcaster and blogger
Knitter and geocacher
Gamer and quizzer
Yo, I'm Sapphire, a newbie freelance writer. My birth year starts with 19. Painfully shy. Follow me for semi real time suffering!
Maya Berger (she/her)
Self-employed [url=https://mstdn.social/tags/editor]#editor[/url] & [url=https://mstdn.social/tags/proofreader]#proofreader[/url].
Creator of [url=https://mstdn.social/tags/TheEditorsAffairs]#TheEditorsAffairs[/url] (TEA) business admin tools for [url=https://mstdn.social/tags/FreelanceEditors]#FreelanceEditors[/url].
[url=https://mstdn.social/tags/CIEP]#CIEP[/url] Advanced Professional Member.
[url=https://mstdn.social/tags/AmEditing]#AmEditing[/url], [url=https://mstdn.social/tags/SFF]#SFF[/url], [url=https://mstdn.social/tags/erotica]#erotica[/url], anti-oppression.
Loud Mouth Brown Girl
My name is Devon J Hall, I am The Loud Mouth Brown Girl from [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/BC]#BC[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/Canada]#Canada[/url]. 41, Living with [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/MentalHealth]#MentalHealth[/url] issues and [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/Disabled]#Disabled[/url] but Definitely going strong
Well, hello there!
I am Stephen, and I am an indie author from the East of England. I usually write gentle, literary fiction, and I sometimes attempt historical, dystopian or abstract tales too. I produce lots of short-form fiction on my website with the occasional novel in the mix too. Occasionally, I self-publish.
I am a part-time drummer.
I love walking, nature, reading, music and coffee!
BK Ryer
Local Eccentric ❡
Sometime game designer and aspiring fantasy fiction writer. Video gaming since Pong. Servant to seven cats and one dog. Enjoyer of books, photography, forests, and interesting things. Opposer of evil. She/her.
Avatar is a closeup of a pretty, gray and white Siamese-Tabby mix cat with blue eyes. Banner shows leafless treetops backed by wispy clouds colored pink and gold by the setting sun.
Vivek Mittal
Immigration Attorney. Writer. VONA 2020 alum. [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/codexwriters]#codexwriters[/url]. My kids definitely love my dad jokes. he/him/his.
The BeZine
Volume 1 Number 1 of The BeZine (TheBeZine.com) came out on October 31, 2014. We are now in our tenth year, evolved from a monthly to a quarterly, covering four themes a year: sustainABILITY, Waging Peace, Social Justice, and Life of the Spirit and Activism. We welcome submissions with perspectives expressed respectfully through literature—poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction—and the arts—music, visual art, videos, photography, and reviews (TheBeZine.com/submission-guidelines).
Alex Pengaled
Writer of words. Keeper of chickens. Lover of puns. Dwells between Eryri & Afon Hafren. Genderqueer, mostly she/her.
I write fantasy stories with fairies, dragons, humans & other mythical beasties inspired by & set in the corners of Wales I know.
Doctor Wanderer 🐝✒
28 | Asexual | Gender fluid | [url=https://mindly.social/tags/Writer]#Writer[/url] of original works and [url=https://mindly.social/tags/fanfic]#fanfic[/url], [url=https://mindly.social/tags/AO3]#AO3[/url] user | [url=https://mindly.social/tags/WritingCommunity]#WritingCommunity[/url] | currently living in Barcelona | [url=https://mindly.social/tags/PeterCapaldi]#PeterCapaldi[/url] fan | Music lover | Cinema & TV series lover | [url=https://mindly.social/tags/DoctorWho]#DoctorWho[/url]
"I wish I wrote the way I thought
With maddening hunger
I’d write to the point of suffocation
I’d write myself into nervous breakdowns
Manuscripts spiralling out like tentacles into abysmal nothing"
(Benedict Smith)
Stephanie J Golden
I am a disabled Jewish woman who loves posting lots of stuff about politics, sex, comedy, and anything and everything.
Daniel Johnson
Education in music, but working in IT. Love singing, acting, and writing. Sci-fi, fantasy, and horror geek. He/him. Half-baked short stories at [url=https://vocal.media/authors/daniel-johnson-h0ee040jth]https://vocal.media/authors/daniel-johnson-h0ee040jth[/url]