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We have 360804 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 360804 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert.Sort bySortieren nach Name Handle Location Newest Oldest
Eduards Skvireckis
Data management expert at the National Library of Latvia | PhD student at the University of Latvia | Researcher at Riga Literata project
[url=https://fosstodon.org/tags/digitalhumanities]#digitalhumanities[/url] [url=https://fosstodon.org/tags/linkeddata]#linkeddata[/url] [url=https://fosstodon.org/tags/openscience]#openscience[/url] [url=https://fosstodon.org/tags/NLP]#NLP[/url] [url=https://fosstodon.org/tags/NeoLatin]#NeoLatin[/url] [url=https://fosstodon.org/tags/wikidata]#wikidata[/url]
Amazing Dr. Screech
Judith Barr
[url=https://glammr.us/tags/Provenance]#Provenance[/url] with a dash of Pleistocene. Collector of images of dealer stamps and stickers. Bad photos of good art & all opinions strictly my own. she/her. [url=https://glammr.us/tags/jhuprovenance]#jhuprovenance[/url]. @j_e_barr on Twitter.
Combining humanities and technology in fun and interesting ways. PhD in Classics, now working in Educational Technologies. Currently exploring Medieval Latin Versification handbooks, and rocking out on the mandolin.
Raf Van Rooy
Philhellenic Neo-Latinist
assistant professor of Latin literature at KU Leuven
Renaissance, Humanisme, Réforme. Association francophone et pluridisciplinaire d'études sur la Renaissance, l'humanisme et la Réforme. Membre de la FISIER.
Jennifer Askey
Leadership & Life Coach for higher education
Matt L.
Assistant Professor of Humanities Analytics in the Data Analytics Program at Denison University. Scholar in the fields of digital humanities, cultural analytics, history of the book, and literary studies.
Gretchen M. Krueger
Policy Research @OpenAI. Past @ainowinstitute, @nycedc, @kohnpedersenfox. Views are yours, of my mastodons. She/Her. (mildly confused & also [url=https://mastodon.social/@gretchenmarina]@gretchenmarina[/url])
Winston Black
Historian of Medieval Medicine and Religion. He/him. Dad, Cat Dad, Book Dad. Gatto Chair of Christian Studies at St. Francis Xavier University.
Live and work in Mi'kma'ki / Nova Scotia.
[url=https://mastodon.world/tags/histodon]#histodon[/url] [url=https://mastodon.world/tags/medievodon]#medievodon[/url] and [url=https://mastodon.world/tags/twitterstorian]#twitterstorian[/url] often sharing [url=https://mastodon.world/tags/histmed]#histmed[/url] [url=https://mastodon.world/tags/medhist]#medhist[/url] [url=https://mastodon.world/tags/plague]#plague[/url] [url=https://mastodon.world/tags/herbalism]#herbalism[/url]
Raphaële Mouren
histoire moderne, histoire du livre et des bibliothèques, histoire de l'humanisme, essentiellement Italie et France, mais pas que. Je parle en mon nom.
St Hellgrün
library student, artist, poet? trying to be online for some reason
Les Archives de littérature du Moyen Âge (ARLIMA) ont été fondées en 2005 à l'intention des étudiants et chercheurs spécialistes du Moyen Âge, pour qui la constitution d'une bibliographie sur un auteur ou un texte est devenue une tâche de plus en plus ardue, en raison de la multiplication non seulement des publications mais également des outils bibliographiques imprimés et électroniques à leur disposition.
The official account of Fragmentarium, Laboratory for Medieval Manuscript Fragments. Posts currently by William Duba, Project Coordinator.
Adam Colton
Digital pedagogue and humanist, player of games, reader of books, sleeper of beds. A doctor, but not that kind of doctor.
Digital Curator at the British Library. [url=https://glammr.us/tags/Digitisation]#Digitisation[/url] [url=https://glammr.us/tags/Data]#Data[/url]-driven research [url=https://glammr.us/tags/Collections]#Collections[/url] as Data tootfinder
Fábio Emilio Costa
Data science grad student @ UniVESP, Brazil, focusing on social impact of algorithms and how to evaluate them. Studying Weapons of Math Destruction. Data isn't new petroleum, but new uranium
Graduando em Ciência de Dados pela UniVESP. Procurando aprender mais sobre ciência de dados e os impactos sociais do mesmo
Dados não são o novo petróleo, mas sim o novo urânio.
Data is the new uranium, not petroleum.
Enemy of Progress [url=https://datasci.social/tags/fuckAndresseen]#fuckAndresseen[/url]
Julia Spohr
Leiterin Geschäftsstelle Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek/Head of Office German Digital Library [url=https://openbiblio.social/@ddbkultur]@ddbkultur[/url] - promov. Historikerin & privat hier
he / they | ETCL RA; Discorder Magazine Archivist 2024/25; UBC MASLIS student.
Early career scholar; aspiring digital humanist; Textual technology enthusiast.
Credits: Avatar: [url=https://www.deviantart.com/4113x/]https://www.deviantart.com/4113x/[/url] | Header: [url=https://www.deviantart.com/mockingjay1701]https://www.deviantart.com/mockingjay1701[/url] | both CC BY-NC-SA 3.0
Sandra Ramos
Mrs Ramos is Professor of Latin Philology in the Department of Classical Philology of the University of Cádiz. She is a member of the Research Group "Elio Antonio de Nebrija". Her book "Commentariorum de sale libri V" received the National Award for Doctoral Theses, awarded by the "Sociedad de Estudios Latinos". Main research fields: Tradition and Reception of the Pliny the Elder's Natural History, Neo-Latin, Humanism, Latin Didactics, History and Culture of the Salt.
Laura Horak
Film Studies prof curious about all things cinematic, trans, queer, feminist. Director of
Transgender Media Portal. Author: Girls Will Be Boys (2016). she/her (white cis queer)
IKOB - Museum
The IKOB - Museum für zeitgenössische Kunst is located in Eupen, Belgium, at the crossroads of Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg. Founded in 1993 by Francis Feidler as the "IKOB – internationales Kunstzentrum Ostbelgien," it was renamed in 2005 to its current title. The museum serves as a significant platform for contemporary art, showcasing both national and international artists.
Ici c'est Margot Georges qui vous parle d'archivistique.
Uit Schiedam.