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We have 360907 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 360907 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert.Sort bySortieren nach Name Handle Location Newest Oldest
Berliner Vornamen
Berliner Vornamen gemäß den Bezirksstatistiken 2022 – zufällig kombiniert und mit Zufallsgeburtsdatum. Ein [url=https://botsin.space/tags/Bot]#Bot[/url] von [url=https://mastodon.social/@fussballinguist]@fussballinguist[/url]
MuseumEd group
I'm a group about MuseumEd. Follow me to get all the group posts. Tag me to share with the group. Create other groups by searching for or tagging @yourGroupName@a.gup.pe
Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum
Initiiert 1853, ist das Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum CIL die umfassendste und bedeutendste systematische Sammlung antiker lateinischer Inschriften.
Bücherei St. Sophia in Erbach
Veranstaltungen rund um die Leseförderung mit Bibfit und LeseStart1-2-3 mit 12 Partnerschulen und -Kindergärten. Mehrfach ausgezeichnet mit dem Hessischen Bibliothekpreis-Förderpreis. Qualitätssiegel Büchereiarbeit in Gold 2022. Partner des Caritas Familienzentrums. Mehr über uns bei [url=http://www.KoebErbach.de]http://www.KoebErbach.de[/url]
Erfgoed Leiden en Omstreken
Archief I Monumenten I Archeologie voor Leiden en de regio.
The International Peace Museum
The International Peace Museum was founded in 2004 and is the only brick and mortar museum of its kind in the Western Hemisphere. Located in Dayton, Ohio, the museum’s mission is to inspire people to work for greater peace and compassion through education and collaboration. Visit peace.museum to learn more.
Archiv für Agrargeschichte
Archives of Rural History - Archives de l'histoire rurale; Forschung, Archivierung & Online-Dokumentation: [url=https://histoirerurale.ch]https://histoirerurale.ch[/url] & [url=https://ruralfilms.eu]https://ruralfilms.eu[/url]
Unterstützen: [url=https://spenden.stiftungschweiz.ch/organizations/archiv-fuer-agrargeschichte?mode=portrait]https://spenden.stiftungschweiz.ch/organizations/archiv-fuer-agrargeschichte?mode=portrait[/url]
The Portico Library
The Portico Library is the Manchester’s original 19th-century home of literature and learning. We have lots of old books and are passionate about new ones. We also manage the Portico Prize for contemporary writing that best evokes the spirit of the North of England.
Archives d'Orléans
Compte officiel des Archives municipales et métropolitaines d'Orléans (Loiret, France). Découvrez nos collections [url=https://mastodon.zaclys.com/tags/archives]#archives[/url] et l'[url=https://mastodon.zaclys.com/tags/histoire]#histoire[/url] de la Ville d'[url=https://mastodon.zaclys.com/tags/Orl%C3%A9ans]#Orléans[/url]
Libraries and Learning Links of the Week
Web links about libraries and learning, every week.
Archives dép. de l'Eure
📜Les Archives départementales de l'Eure conservent 27 km linéaires de documents intéressant l'histoire du département, du XIIe siècle à nos jours. 📜
🗓️Ouvertes aux lecteurs du mercredi au vendredi, leur vocation est de collecter, de conserver mais aussi de faire connaître ce patrimoine unique. ✨
Het Netwerk Digitaal Erfgoed heeft de missie om erfgoedcollecties online toegankelijk en vindbaar te maken. Met alle netwerkpartners, van museum tot softwareleverancier, zetten we stappen om dit te realiseren. Zo maken we het digitale geheugen van Nederland voor iedereen beschikbaar.
Franco Solerio
Developer of Castamatic podcast player. Producer and host of Digitalia.fm podcast.
Francesco Facconi
Cylone adottivo, grande appassionato di fantascienza. Studioso dell’impatto della tecnologia nel nostro mondo. Docente Universitario e Co-conduttore di Digitalia.fm
ERC Advanced Grant research project (2024–2029) on Insular Manuscripts in the Age of Charlemagne, run by Prof. Joanna Story, with Dr. Anna Dorofeeva ([url=https://mastodon.online/@litteracarolina]@litteracarolina[/url]) and partners in libraries & universities across Europe.
Maud PJ
e-archiviste enthousiaste aimant jongler avec des fichiers XML
[url=https://piaille.fr/tags/AD42]#AD42[/url] [url=https://piaille.fr/tags/ADLoire]#ADLoire[/url]
[url=https://piaille.fr/tags/AAF_AMAE]#AAF_AMAE[/url] [url=https://piaille.fr/tags/TeamAEDA]#TeamAEDA[/url] forever
Cinquecento Latino
Dive into the richness of the Latin literature of sixteenth century Italy. This bot posts one random Latin title a day. The data is retrieved from the [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/EDIT16]#EDIT16[/url] ([url=https://edit16.iccu.sbn.it/]https://edit16.iccu.sbn.it/[/url]).
Bot powered by [url=https://fedihum.org/@autodone]@autodone[/url]
Raffaele's linkblog
Katharina Ost
Interests: Automated text recognition & Natural Language Processing, Special Collections, Neo-Latin poetry, Early Modern Intermediality
Alison Harvey
Doing [url=https://toot.wales/tags/digital]#digital[/url] things with [url=https://toot.wales/tags/rarebooks]#rarebooks[/url] and [url=https://toot.wales/tags/archives]#archives[/url] at [url=https://toot.wales/tags/Cardiff]#Cardiff[/url] Uni. [url=https://toot.wales/tags/Digitisation]#Digitisation[/url] [url=https://toot.wales/tags/digitalhumanities]#digitalhumanities[/url] [url=https://toot.wales/tags/python]#python[/url] [url=https://toot.wales/tags/metadata]#metadata[/url] [url=https://toot.wales/tags/IIIF]#IIIF[/url] [url=https://toot.wales/tags/LGBTQ]#LGBTQ[/url] [url=https://toot.wales/tags/neurodivergent]#neurodivergent[/url] [url=https://toot.wales/tags/dysgwr]#dysgwr[/url]. She/her.
Demmy Verbeke
Head of KU Leuven Libraries Artes | associate professor of open research with a past in classics and 16C humanism
[url=https://hcommons.social/tags/openaccess]#openaccess[/url] [url=https://hcommons.social/tags/openresearch]#openresearch[/url] [url=https://hcommons.social/tags/openscholarship]#openscholarship[/url]
Claire Knowles
Associate Library Director: Research and Digital Futures, Leeds University Libraries (she/her)
Rob Lancefield
A few of my keywords are:
[url=https://mastodon.social/tags/MuseTech]#MuseTech[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/Strategy]#Strategy[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/Sustainability]#Sustainability[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/OpenContent]#OpenContent[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/Infrastructure]#Infrastructure[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/Ethnomusicology]#Ethnomusicology[/url] [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/Repatriation]#Repatriation[/url]
One of my interests is how [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/museums]#museums[/url] use digital technologies to serve communities.
I remain active in the cultural heritage sector as a retired museum professional (I worked at [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/WesleyanUniversity]#WesleyanUniversity[/url] and then [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/Yale]#Yale[/url]). In pre-museum life, I was a musician, recording engineer, and photographer.
For more, please see my pinned intro and links.
( Testing: searchable )