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We have 362379 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 362379 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert.Sort bySortieren nach Name Handle Location Newest Oldest
:intersexpride_flat: :nb_flat: :demiro_flat: :polyam_new_flat: :autism_flat:
The best writer you've never heard of. But that is going to change for the better.
Enby Author of strange and weird worlds. Friend to cats, environmentalist, equal rights fan, and self-confessed Chaos Gremlin. Streaming on Twitch as BitzerK.
Snugglebuddies with [url=https://blahaj.zone/@supakaity]@supakaity[/url] and [url=https://blahaj.zone/@ada]@ada[/url], parental of two kids, guardian of two cats. Pronouns: ze/hir (singular they is also acceptable)
I know all sorts of otherwise useless trivia about many random things. I play TTRPGs, watch a lot of animated things, and am pathologically incapable of not sharing stuff that I think is cool.
I have been diagnosed with Anxiety and ASD, but I'm fairly certain that that's not all that is "wrong" with me.
Matt Rogerson
Always good weather for shorts.
Pascal Bernheim
Jill Hamilton
Excessively cussy writer for Cosmopolitan, OprahMagazine etc. Also responsible for In Bed With Married Women, a weird, sexyish sex blog. Www.inbedwithmarriedwomen.com
Michael Leuty
English by birth. Français par naturalisation. Retired GP and church organist. Happy grandfather (and proud of my children, too).
Hobbyist in multiple photography genres
The Renegade Gastronaut 🍛🥘🍲
- Gastronaut exploring the foodiverse
- Founder of Dining Devon [url=https://toot.community/tags/food]#food[/url] blog
- Arty & Experimental [url=https://toot.community/tags/Photographer]#Photographer[/url]
- Collects old CCD [url=https://toot.community/tags/digicam]#digicam[/url]
- Works in [url=https://toot.community/tags/Education]#Education[/url] and therefore obsessed with [url=https://toot.community/tags/edtech]#edtech[/url] [url=https://toot.community/tags/digitalinnovation]#digitalinnovation[/url] and [url=https://toot.community/tags/ai]#ai[/url]
- Digital [url=https://toot.community/tags/Technologist]#Technologist[/url].
- Also [url=https://toot.community/tags/Movies]#Movies[/url] [url=https://toot.community/tags/Cinema]#Cinema[/url] [url=https://toot.community/tags/TV]#TV[/url] nerd.
I'm here to devour content and connect. I always [url=https://toot.community/tags/followback]#followback[/url], let's make [url=https://toot.community/tags/Mastodon]#Mastodon[/url] the best social network on the internet.
Insta: @renegadegastronaut
Insta: @exeter.chromatica
Ex Aid worker. Photographer. Based around Dartmoor or a vast, wet moorland near you
Does stuff for the Dartmoor Collective.
Hear Me Remoan 🇪🇺 #FBPE 🇺🇦
Former EU citizen | [url=https://mastodon.me.uk/tags/CitizenOfTheWorld]#CitizenOfTheWorld[/url] | [url=https://mastodon.me.uk/tags/Saboteur]#Saboteur[/url] | [url=https://mastodon.me.uk/tags/FBPE]#FBPE[/url] | Citoyen de nulle part. | Motto: "Hear me Remoan” | [url=https://mastodon.me.uk/tags/Collaborator]#Collaborator[/url] | [url=https://mastodon.me.uk/tags/Wokerati]#Wokerati[/url] BirdSite: [url=https://mastodon.me.uk/@yafiyogi]@yafiyogi[/url]
[url=https://livellosegreto.it/tags/FBPE]#FBPE[/url], [url=https://livellosegreto.it/tags/ClimateCrisis]#ClimateCrisis[/url], [url=https://livellosegreto.it/tags/SocialJustice]#SocialJustice[/url], [url=https://livellosegreto.it/tags/degrowth]#degrowth[/url], [url=https://livellosegreto.it/tags/LGBTQ]#LGBTQ[/url]+ ally, politics, English Language, Linguistics
Rob 🇬🇧🇪🇺🇳🇱
MEP Consulting engineer. Hate Brexit with a passion! 80s music lover, MH advocate and sufferer. Not keen on Tofu unless smoked but definitely part of the “wokerati”
“Be excellent to each other!!”
Bellatronique 🇪🇺
Applied Linguistics, Behavioural Science, frustrated perfectionist. Dorothy Dunnett Society [url=https://mastodon.scot/@dunnettcentral]https://mastodon.scot/@dunnettcentral[/url]
Louise Pryor
Climate emergency. Actuary. Early medieval history, knitting, dressmaking, running, hillwalking. Not all at once. I'll never see 317ppm again.
Bernard Tribondeau
Photographe encore un peu. Ici, je poste quelques unes de mes images et des trucs qui parlent de photo. Parisien reconverti sudiste, aime les ours et les chats.
Photographer a little more. Here, I post some of my images and stuff that talks about photography. Parisian reconverted southerner, love bears and cats.
Mark Farrar
Soundscape Gardener. Tofu eating, Guardian reader. 🇪🇺
Tales of celery, snowballing and heavy cricketers🏏 [url=https://mastodon.social/tags/amwriting]#amwriting[/url] a 25 part audio adventure: The Gas Board Game
Mark Galvin
Migrant from Twitter [url=https://mastodon.ie/@Galviam]@Galviam[/url]
I try to be ‘woke’.
Happily retired after 40 years in Automotive Design and Management.
[url=https://mastodon.ie/tags/FBPE]#FBPE[/url] [url=https://mastodon.ie/tags/FBPA]#FBPA[/url] [url=https://mastodon.ie/tags/GTTO]#GTTO[/url] [url=https://mastodon.ie/tags/LibDem]#LibDem[/url]
Ever hopeful refugee from twitter.
Hiding behind my camera, seeing more through the lens. [url=https://mastodonapp.uk/tags/Photography]#Photography[/url] is my thing.
Making a living [url=https://mastodonapp.uk/tags/nursing]#nursing[/url] little people in times of emergency for the [url=https://mastodonapp.uk/tags/NHS]#NHS[/url] after a previous career in [url=https://mastodonapp.uk/tags/archaeology]#archaeology[/url]. A bumpy path in life that makes sense to me.
Exploring my small part of the world with my camera or without if in my [url=https://mastodonapp.uk/tags/running]#running[/url] shoes or on two wheels.
Passionate about the [url=https://mastodonapp.uk/tags/naturalworld]#naturalworld[/url] and [url=https://mastodonapp.uk/tags/wildlife]#wildlife[/url]
[url=https://mastodonapp.uk/tags/Plantpowered]#Plantpowered[/url] [url=https://mastodonapp.uk/tags/European]#European[/url]
Michael Randall
I'm an amateur photographer and geek in Exeter, UK. Sometimes I wander around photographing things and people. And sometimes I stay at home and play Cities Skylines or No Man's Sky.
John Deans
am/was [url=https://toot.community/@jjbillyd]@jjbillyd[/url] on Twitter.
Chris Casilli
Critical Infrastructure, High Consequence / High Integrity Systems, Space, Nuclear, Mathematics, Public Health, HPC [url=https://mastodon.online/tags/NASASocial]#NASASocial[/url] 🇺🇸
Andy in Totnes
I was a YHA manager, then a Signaller on the railway, then a primary school teacher, and then a primary carer for our daughter. Then a catering manager and now currently a Bikeability instructor. I have been doing that for 7 or 8 years. Who says you need a focus and a career?
John Waine Photo
[url=https://toot.community/tags/photography]#photography[/url] [url=https://toot.community/tags/bluesrock]#bluesrock[/url] Remainer. Omnivore. Quizzes. Staffordshire. Stoke City. Disappointed optimist.
Photos by Jacqueline M. Pérez I post photos and more at [url=https://mastodon.ie/@photovotary]https://mastodon.ie/@photovotary[/url]
Just a guy chasing photos for a hobby. Want to share the good ones