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I'm a group about phenomenology. Follow me to get all the group posts. Tag me to share with the group. Create other groups by searching for or tagging @yourGroupName@a.gup.pe
Senior Software Engineer at Unity Technologies, game developer, engine architect and game technology enthusiast. Opinions are my own.
Language of choice: Rust.
I'm nobody and biology undergrad student from third world country who interested to see and involved in discussion about #science especially #biology and #philosophy.
Biòleg i investigador sobre cèl.lules mare i regeneració de les planàries des de 1996. Actualment, aprenent de #filosofia a la #UAB d’esperit schopenhaurià. PhD in Biology and researcher on planarian stem cells and regeneration since 1996. Currently, apprentice of #philosophy under Schopenhauer’s influence. More at resnoexisteix.wordpress.com (posts can be translated to your language)
M. de Conf. en philo à U Bx Montaigne & Responsable équipe Neurosciences Humanités et Société à l'Institut des Maladies Neurodégénératives U Bx, posts r my own
Indie Game Director (former [2.21] & Ubisoft).
Posts about game dev, board games, motivation & more.
I write #gamedesign analysis to help you understand how best games entertain their players #TheArcadeArtificer