We have 361271 public general accounts listed in our database.Wir haben 361271 öffentliche nicht-sensitive Accounts in unserer Datenbank gespeichert. Sort bySortieren nachNameHandleLocationNewestOldest
Réseau francophone d'éducation au développement durable
Apprendre aux élèves à construire aujourd'hui le monde durable de demain
Partage de ressources éducatives libres ⤵️
Mutualisation de pratiques
Liens entre établissements scolaires francophones
Love coffee ☕ Videogames 🎮 bath houses 🧖 and bears 🐻
Gramps used to tell me that drinking coffee'd make me grow chest hair.
I work at International Exports but I rather be a GameDev.
Sixteen-year veteran o' the multiverse
Gendershifter catperson kid genius
Mecha pilot, techno-wizard
Time traveler from an alternate 124 PA
Telling people "back in my day" at age 30, about things that technically haven't happened yet
Okay but seriously:
Lifelong RPer (MU*/Tabletop)
Retired arcane gish minmaxer forged in the fires of 3.X
Coder and aspiring videogame developer
I ♥ Savage RIFTS
Engineer of the Well-Tuned Murder Engine
Variously thinking, reading, and writing some combination of queer media studies, critical race and digital studies, STS, AI, and platform governance stuff.
Researcher of friendship, peer support, social media & LGBTQ+ young people's wellbeing. My previous account died (lol instance) so starting again and not too enthusiastic about it.
Living & working on Gadigal country (sydney).
Professor of media studies at the University of Hyderabad. Research and teaching interests include digital cultures, critical data studies, gender and work, and children and media
#introduction hello I comment a bit on privacy and collecting online data. I have used the Canadian Internet Use Survey to write a research paper on age and Internet use. I enjoy attending #AoIR conferences. I am involved in peer support for mental illness, election politics, work as a neutral public servant, am a union steward, volunteer in music, am a longtime crisis response volunteer. I have a critical legal studies B.A. and a mathematics B.Math and studied systems sciences in grad school.